Author Topic: Annotating script  (Read 3236 times)

Offline jokermark

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Annotating script
« on: 2013 October 18 07:20:46 »
I cannot find a tutorial on how to do this, any help would be great!

Offline EorEquis

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Re: Annotating script
« Reply #1 on: 2013 October 18 08:56:41 »
You first need to run the ImageSolver script (It's in Image Analysis)

You'll need to know the location of your object.  You can search for the object if desired, and have the script populate the correct location for that object.  As long as your framing is reasonably close, it should be ok.

Then enter the date the image was acquired...close enough is close enough. :)

Then you'll need to know either the resolution or the focal length of your rig.  If using a DSLR, don't forget any crop factor that might be in play.  Finally, you'll need to know the pixel size of your camera.

ImageSolver works best with linear, unstretched images, though it CAN solve stretched images some of the time.

Once it's done, AnnotateImage will then annotate the image with the appropriate names/identifiers.  You can control which catalogs it annotates out of (turning each on or off), and for some you can set a limit for min or max magnitude to annotate, and so on.  You can also change colors, fonts, and text sizes, if desired.

Keep in mind, AnnotateImage must be run on the image you originally solved, and the image should be the same size and resolution as it was when solved.

Hope some of this helps!

Offline jokermark

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Re: Annotating script
« Reply #2 on: 2013 October 18 10:21:28 »
I run the image solver, it then puts the green crosses in the new pic. When I try to run the annotate program I get the WCS warning, not sure what im doing wrong...

Offline cfranks

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Re: Annotating script
« Reply #3 on: 2013 October 18 20:07:05 »
I'm not sure that this will help but I always save the 'ImageSolved' image to ensure the WCS is written to the Fits header.  Then AnnotateImage works.

Offline EorEquis

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Re: Annotating script
« Reply #4 on: 2013 October 19 07:26:48 »
I run the image solver, it then puts the green crosses in the new pic. When I try to run the annotate program I get the WCS warning, not sure what im doing wrong...

The "green crosses in the new pic" are the stars detected.  That's not the solved image.

Go back to the original image, and run the Annotation script against that. :)

Offline jokermark

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Re: Annotating script
« Reply #5 on: 2013 October 20 12:54:42 »
Thank you! that worked!!