Author Topic: ImageIntegration on calibrated vs uncalibrated images takes 20x longer. Why?  (Read 2793 times)

Offline balt

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Hi all,

I was just creating a master dark and accidentally ran it on the debayered frames instead of the debayered and calibrated ones. I then noticed that running ImageIntegration for a dark takes many times longer when run on the calibrated frames. Why is that? I thought the calibrated frames just have a bias frame applied to them, so the end result should be no more or less calculation intensive? Options used:

Average, no normalisation, iterative k-sigma scale estimator.


- Balt

Offline papaf

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Uhm, why are you creating a master dark from debayered images? They should still be bayered...
On the behaviour, I think the less noise there is, the longer it takes the windsorized sigma algo to run. If you use black images, for example, it would take forever.

Offline balt

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Hi, that's what I was suspecting. Not enough noise! And yes of course that should not be done on the debayered images. Thanks for pointing this out!


- Balt