Hi Juan,
Bear in mind that BPP is for preprocessing of light frames; it doesn't work just for bias, darks and flats.
If it is possible to make the master bias/dark/flat with many individual frames in BPP (without selecting lights) - and this is possible(!) - then
it should be possible to create for example a masterflat of individual frames using an already existing masterbias.
Did you check my frames? Maybe there is the mistake, but I cant find one.
Cannot execute instance in the global context.
Reason: No master calibration frames or overscan regions
have been specified.
What does it really mean?
According your suggestion (missing lights) the message should be like "Cannot execute without lights".
I hope we're not talking past each other.
Best regards.
Herbert, Austria
A practical example
My frames:
Flat L/R/G/B/H/S/O (same EXPTIME, possible by dimmable light film)
Darkflat L/R/G/B/H/S/O
Lights L/R/G/B/H/S/O
1. Step:
Kalibrate Flats L with the individual Darkflats in BPP = Flat_L_cal
This step has to be extra, because BPP doesn’t offer a column for flatdarks.
This step results also in a
Masterflatdark, which I can use for the other Flats R/G/B/H/S/O
And here the error happens.
2. Step: Kalibrate Lights with Darks and F_x_cal
I hope one understand me.