Author Topic: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW  (Read 5164 times)

Offline caneca

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I am a beginner in PixInsight, and don't know if I am doing something wrong.
But when using BatchPreprocessing, adding Bias/Dark/Flat/Light using all options in default, and images CR2 (Canon 60D raw), all my calibration masters come in grayscale, and all the calibrated lights and flats as well.

Doing same process with same images and same options using the JPG format of the same images, gives the result in RGB.

If I skip BatchPreprocessing and go directly to Star Alignment and Image Integration only on the light frames, it works fine (but then i did not calibrate the image with bias/darks/flats).

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe missing some option in the script, or something?

Thank you all...

Offline MikeOates

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Re: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW
« Reply #1 on: 2013 August 05 04:25:27 »

Before doing the BatchPreprocessing, open the FormatExplorer tab on the left side and click on DSLR_RAW.

Make sure the settings are as follows:
In color adjustment all sliders are at 1.00000, untick the white balance options.
Of the next four tick boxes below, the only ones ticked are "Create RAW Bayer image" & "No black point correction".

In the BatchPreprocessing window in the options on the right make sure "CFA images" and "Up-bottom FITS" are ticked and try again.



Offline caneca

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Re: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW
« Reply #2 on: 2013 August 05 14:45:15 »
Thanks for the help, I will try it and check if it will work. =)


No, it did not work. The result fits (masters and calibrations) are still grayscale. =/


I was to early to say it didn't work... further in the process it use Debayer to add back the RGB.
Seems like it works after all.. Thanks very much.
« Last Edit: 2013 August 05 15:54:19 by caneca »

Offline Astrocava

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Re: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW
« Reply #3 on: 2013 August 05 16:01:15 »
Thanks for the help, I will try it and check if it will work. =)


No, it did not work. The result fits (masters and calibrations) are still grayscale. =/

That's is how it work. The script uses grayscale files to do the calibration before debayering them.  You have different outputs (if my memory is good enough...):

- If you check: "Only calibration", you will have grayscale files ready for debayering, registering and integrating.
- If you don't check: "Only calibration", and uncheck "integrate", you will have debayered files (RGB) registered ready for integration You will have another folder with the calibrated (grayscale) and debayered (RGB) files .
- If you don't check: "Only calibration", and check "integrate", you will have a master light (RGB) and all the files of the previous process. Master BIAS, FLAT and DARK will always be grayscale.

Hope this helps,

Moonfish ED80 over a Meade LX200GPS 8"


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Re: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW
« Reply #4 on: 2013 August 05 18:49:49 »
Sergio is correct. BP uses monochrome images to calibrate and lights are converted to RGB at the debayer process. This has technical advantages and prevents excessive pixel rejection.

Note that the DSLR_RAW workflow used RGB, which is incorrect. It has since been modified to use the same strategy of monochrome images as the BP script. The manual settings are now correctly depicted in the workflow. If you take time to read it? So if you are using the old workflow, discard it.

BTW. the CFA check box must be checked for colour output of the final image and the BP script does not subtract the bias pedestal, whereas the DSLR workflow does - can be manually changed.

« Last Edit: 2013 August 05 18:57:36 by Rowland »

Offline caneca

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Re: BatchPreprocessing making images Grayscale using Canon RAW
« Reply #5 on: 2013 August 07 00:37:35 »
Thank you all, in the end it worked just fine. =)