I've just upgraded to v1.8 RC7 (uninstalled 1.7 and installed 1.8). If I use PixelMath to perform (Img - 0.1) as a single RGB/K expression on a monochrome image "Img" then I get 0.1 subtracted from each pixel if and only if I deselect "Rescale result". If "Rescale result" is selected (default parameters 0.0 to 1.0 in use) then the pixels that should have been clipped are still there, as confirmed by the HistogramTransformation tool and/or a screen stretch.
I've confirmed this behaviour both for a 64bit floating point and a 32 bit unsigned integer version of the same image. I'm sure this wasn't how PixelMath worked under 1.7 and I imagine that this bug, if confirmed, is going to cause issues for some scripts as well.