Author Topic: Moon - One shot image - Take I  (Read 3051 times)

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Moon - One shot image - Take I
« on: 2013 April 21 14:53:46 »

I took this image of the first Moon after full moon. When the sky was dark

It is a single image of 1/50 seconds. Apart from the Moon, the image is  quite dark and I face the dilemma of cropping it or trying to solve some structure of the wind mill and the horizon.

Canon 350
ISO 1600
Exposure 1/50 s
F/D  7
Focal Lenght 925 mm

Details of the process

I use a Super bias and a Master dark to calibrate it and after that apply Cosmetic Correction to eliminate both, hot and cold pixels that were mainly in the blue channel.
Showed is only blue channel but I did it individually, using as Master dark the binarize image of each channel

Channel combination of the corrected channels

CanonBandingReduction to eliminate the horizontal banding that was not corrected with ImageCalibration. (It is huge the diference in noise between Canon 350 and 5DIII)

BackgroundNeutralization using Preview01 as Reference image

Rotate and DBE

ColorCalibration using the preview01 as Reference image for Background Reference and the image as Reference image for White Reference

Generate a RangeMask to protect the background and apply HT transfer the STF to the HT tool.

Generate a RangeMask to protect the Moon and apply AdaptiveStretch to background

Generate a RengeMask to protect the Moon and apply ATrousWaveletTransform to Chrominance noise reduction in layers of 4 to 8 pixels

ACDNR to noise reduction in Luminance, protecting the Moon.

I will try to increase contrast in the horizonte. First a Range Mask and then generate other Range Mask over the first one.

Protecting the Moon apply Curves Transformation

Noise reduction. SCNR to green.



Final image:

Saludos, Alejandro.