Author Topic: 2 Issues ...  (Read 2742 times)

Offline bhwolf

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2 Issues ...
« on: 2013 March 25 16:46:11 »
I'm running into 2 issues frequently on my Win8 x64 machine... just reporting them here. I think a user, like me, who is new and not really sure of all the dials and knobs is likely to break things more easily.   :D
1.  When running the batch preprocessing, if the StarAlignment fails on any image, I'll get a File I/O error with Invalid or Empty File Name.  I'm guessing it's looking for a star aligned file that failed?  Obviously I can just go on to image integration manually, but wanted to point it out. 

2.   This second one is more of a crash/bug and I've hit it many times.  In batch preprocessing, if StarAlignment is failing, it will move on to Try n, which takes longer and longer.  The thing is, PI becomes unresponsive.  When the iteration is done, the screen will update but it's already onto the next try, and I can't get it to cancel.  I bumped down the threads to 'normal' priority, but I can't get it to stop and have to ultimately kill the process.  (I let it go for an hour so it might very stop on its own at some point.)

I'm pretty sure I'm doing some things wrong in my processing because I still can't seem to have much success with StarAligning.  I'll start a different thread on that one. :)