Author Topic: Image Readout Mode Gone?  (Read 6913 times)

Offline f11

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Image Readout Mode Gone?
« on: 2013 March 17 10:48:21 »
RC4 on Mac OSX 10.8.3... In RC3 and prior, I was able to put the cursor on an image, then click-and-drag to get a pixel-by-pixel readout dialog showing x/y/k values as I moved around the image... now, following the same sequence, PI goes immediately to PAN mode, even if the image fits in the existing window/frame.

If I fast click or double click, I can sometimes get the READOUT mode to engage, but after a couple seconds it releases and changes to PAN mode, even though the READOUT mode dialog box remains open on screen.

Bug, or changed procedure, or just me before coffee? :)

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #1 on: 2013 March 17 12:03:03 »
Hi Rod, it does not happens in Linux.

Try Alt+R to activate the Readout Mode and see if it works.

Saludos, Alejandro. 

Offline f11

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #2 on: 2013 March 17 14:07:40 »
Hi Alejandro...

Nope, that didn't help: pressing Alt-R (, or selecting "Image | Mode | Readout" from the menu, didn't make any difference... once in maybe 5 tries the Readout mode box will flash, and once in maybe 10 tries the Readout dialog will pop up, but within a few seconds the Pan mode is back.

This behaviour is happening on a MacBookPro using the Touchpad for mouse control.  If I do the same sequence on my iMac desktop using a mouse, the Readout and Pan modes run as expected. ?!?

The Readout mode is stable, and behaves as expected, on my RC4/Win7 64-bit platform as well. I can switch back and forth between Readout and Pan modes using either menu or keyboard shortcuts on this platform.

I'm going to shutdown and restart my laptop to make sure something isn't going on in the background.

[ Edit: nope, shutting down and restarting the laptop didn't change the behavior - :/ ]
« Last Edit: 2013 March 17 14:16:56 by f11 »

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #3 on: 2013 March 17 14:44:10 »
I don't know then..., maybe you could reset PI on your MacBookPro and that solve the issue.
I don't have Mac, but I believe that is: Right click in PixInsight aplication, press the Ctrl key, and select Run. Answer yes to the confirmation dialog.
Saludos, Alejandro.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #4 on: 2013 March 18 02:40:41 »
I can't reproduce this problem. I don't have an Apple laptop, just a Mac Pro (2008 edition) and an iMac (late 2012). All working modes work well on both machines with a normal mouse, a 'magic mouse', and a trackpad. Have you tried to reboot? with an external mouse?
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline f11

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #5 on: 2013 March 18 16:18:34 »
It sounds like its a problem specific to my laptop, then... I've rebooted the machine, and that didn't help (its amazing how a reboot almost ALWAYS clears weird Mac behavior).  I was just going to try again using a magic mouse instead of the trackpad, and then with a run-of-the-mill USB mouse to see if that helps.

My laptop is starting to accumulate a lot of small programs running in the background despite my best efforts to keep it "clean", so I'm starting to wonder if this is a symptom of interaction among them and the mouse controls, or a Mac library used by PI.

If nobody can reproduce this, don't worry about it for now.  If I resolve it, I'll report back here.

Offline f11

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #6 on: 2013 March 18 21:18:45 »
Well... laptop with on-board Trackpad: I get the Readout/Pan problem.

Laptop with Bluetooth Magic Mouse: no problem.

Laptop with USB mouse: no problem.

While either the MM or USBM is connected, I can still use the Trackpad to move the cursor, and the problem is still there.  If I just pick up the physical mouse and left click, the expected Readout mode pops up and is stable.

So - it appears to be something with the on-board Trackpad.  I don't have a Bluetooth Trackpad (Magic Trackpad?) to try, so not sure about that variant.


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #7 on: 2013 March 20 01:57:47 »
I guess I know what happens now.

The problem is with Mac Book's buttonless trackpad. In PI 1.7, the PI core application didn't make any distinction between touch devices and mouse devices. However, In PI 1.8 I have started to implement gesture support on Mac OS X and Windows 8. This requires a separate management of mouse and touch devices. In other words, Mac Book's trackpad is not being used as a mouse by PixInsight, simply because it is not a mouse at all: it is a touch device.

Gesture support is still immature in PixInsight 1.8. For now, we only have a rudimentary implementation that recognizes the following gestures:

* A single tap is the same as a single left button click.

* Two quick taps (double tap) is the same as a double click.

* Tap once and hold to enable the pan mode.

* Tap with two fingers and move up/down to zoom out/in the image. This is the same as a mouse wheel event, but with much less control.

* Tap with three fingers and hold to simulate a click+drag mouse event. This will open the readout popup window, as happens with a mouse when you click and drag.

All of these gestures are provisional; they will change almost completely during the 1.8 cycle.

My recommendation is: always use an external mouse with PixInsight. Touch devices are very nice and fancy, but they are essentially useless for serious work. When I implement better gesture support this will improve for sure, but I doubt a touch device can replace a mouse when it comes to accuracy. And I strongly recommend a 'classical' mouse with a real wheel instead of a 'magic' mouse, since it provides much more control.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline f11

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #8 on: 2013 March 20 14:21:26 »
Okay, thanks Juan - that makes sense.  No problem using a real mouse, at least for me.

I generally use my laptop when I'm away from my observatory workstation to do the initial calibration of new images using BPP, and then some general process functions before serious work starts.  As you say, TouchPad pointing and clicking is a LOT less accurate than what's available from a real mouse with buttons and wheel, and the ReadOut/Pan issue was just sort of the poster-child for the inadequacies of TouchPad gestures.

That said, I'll give the three-finger tap-and-hold gesture a try to see if that gives me a reliable ReadOut mode.  Otherwise, its not a big deal to carry a USB mouse with me in my bag when away from home.

Thanks for chasing this down - much appreciated!!

Offline Yanick B

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #9 on: 2013 March 27 15:55:08 »
Hi Juan,
First, let me congratulate you on the work you are doing on PixInsight. This is a fabulous software. My personal learning curve was not to bad and farelly quick, thanks to the tutorials, and I am starting to be quite experienced with the software. I started to provide official trainings of PixInsight in Quebec, Canada.
It is nice to try to implement gesture more. However, a gesture should never be to select with a tap, at least not in Mac OS X. There are Physical clics for that on a Apple trackpad.
I personally never tab to click, and this feature is deactivated (it is by default). But I sure use the gestures (3 finger slide up, down, side, pinch motions, etc). If you force "tap to click" in OS X, you run into all sort of problems.
And I strongly disagree when you say:
"My recommendation is: always use an external mouse with PixInsight. Touch devices are very nice and fancy, but they are essentially useless for serious work.". I am a professional automation specialist. I have a degree in Medical Biology, another in computer sciences, and 15+ years of experience programming multi-million dollars system. And I seriously work with ONLY a trackpad, with a physical click on my MacBook pro. So please, do not mistake opinion and recommendation. I understand you said this to in honesty but a programmer should not ask people to downgrade when they are using the technology to full and as intended. I am using exclusively trackpads since 3 years, not because I am snob or don't know how to use a mouse, simply because they are an easier, compacter, more ergonomic and more productive way to control the cursor and multiple screen functions (pan, click, select, zoom, scroll, side motion, change screens, access, etc.).
This being said, I was using the click and move to Readout my images. However, since PI 1.8 RC4, I run into the tap to pan bug and I cannot readout. If you want a good gesture to pan, it would just be simpler to use the usual gesture which is move with two fingers. The zoom (currently the two fingers up) should be the pinch-in and pinch-out. A click should never be a tap. It should be a click. Please do not try to reinvent the wheels. Just use the already developed gesture and do not impose the Tap when people do not like them. Even on a PC, the tap to select is not a good thing and people tend to deactivate it, using their physical clicks. We should at least have the choice not to use the tap to select.
In the case of pan, a tap-n-hold with TWO fingers should be use to pan around. And a pinch should be use to zoom.
This being said, is there a way currently to avoid the Readout-pan behaviour?

Offline Tadpole

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #10 on: 2017 November 26 02:45:03 »
I have just had this self same problem (v1.08.05.135 2 on an imac late 2015 5k retina OSX Sierra 10.12.6) with the readout mode not working, persevered, and have just found the answer.

At the bottom of the PixInsight screen there is an RGB readout window. At the right of this window there is a pull down menu. From that menu select Readout Data from the top of the list and from the sub menu select Show Readout Preview (third from bottom). All is good!


Offline Hughsie

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #11 on: 2019 March 04 05:31:49 »
Thank you Tadpole, just wasted 30 minutes trying to figure this out then read your comments at the end! T

Offline greif

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Re: Image Readout Mode Gone?
« Reply #12 on: 2019 April 03 16:06:40 »
Same issue using MacBook Air.  Resolved with your "fix."  Thanks, so much!!!