Author Topic: Batch preprocessing  (Read 4259 times)

Offline beta63

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Batch preprocessing
« on: 2013 March 02 07:09:34 »
Where can I find the script "batch preprocessing" in the new version 1.8?
Is not in the usual position ....

Offline astrodoc71

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #1 on: 2013 March 02 10:21:37 »
Looks like it's the same to me. Go to 'scripts'> 'batch processing' > 'batch preprocessing'

Offline beta63

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #2 on: 2013 March 03 01:32:34 »
Hello Dave!
I checked, but it does not exist.
Maybe I can download it ...
Let me know.

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #3 on: 2013 March 03 03:04:21 »
Hi Paul,
This is what I have on my screen for PI 1.8 RC3 (see attached) If you don't have that not sure what to do. I had a missing process for the installation RC1. When I reinstalled with version RC3 it was fine

Offline astrospotter

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Re: Batch preprocessing fame rotation
« Reply #4 on: 2013 March 07 10:16:07 »
In order to limit different threads on this already 'batch preprocessing' thread I post a new question here.  Hope this  semi-hijack does not cause a problem for anyone.  I LOVE the tool  and repeat my great thanks for those who made it happen.

Does the batch processing tool do any rotation of fits images as part of the calibration?  If so what fits keywords does it act on and what values does it recognize to trigger a rotation prior to dark/bias/flat calibration?

Details if required:
My problem is I can get light frames from a remote telescope that can be rotated 180deg before I get them and when this happens they will have the PIERSIDE fits keyword being set to 'EAST   '    also when this happens the  'FLIPSTAT  fits entry becomes 'flip/mirror' in stead of a blank string (space characters).   Clearly the bias/dark/flats MUST be in exact chip orientation to the lights or the calibration is not going to work.    I would personally like to disable any flip to avoid this issue and am working with them to ask about that but in the mean time I have a huge numbers of frames i'm not motivated to try to mess with my own rotation and save back to disk unless the batch processing does NOT do any rotation then I have no choice and will manually rotate as I have been doing after I discovered this issue.

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #5 on: 2013 March 07 13:28:59 »
Hi Paul, try resseting PI.
Press the Ctrl key, and stat PI. Answer yes to the confirmation dialog box.
Saludos, Alejandro

Offline pfile

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Re: Batch preprocessing fame rotation
« Reply #6 on: 2013 March 07 13:35:58 »
In order to limit different threads on this already 'batch preprocessing' thread I post a new question here.  Hope this  semi-hijack does not cause a problem for anyone.  I LOVE the tool  and repeat my great thanks for those who made it happen.

Does the batch processing tool do any rotation of fits images as part of the calibration?  If so what fits keywords does it act on and what values does it recognize to trigger a rotation prior to dark/bias/flat calibration?

Details if required:
My problem is I can get light frames from a remote telescope that can be rotated 180deg before I get them and when this happens they will have the PIERSIDE fits keyword being set to 'EAST   '    also when this happens the  'FLIPSTAT  fits entry becomes 'flip/mirror' in stead of a blank string (space characters).   Clearly the bias/dark/flats MUST be in exact chip orientation to the lights or the calibration is not going to work.    I would personally like to disable any flip to avoid this issue and am working with them to ask about that but in the mean time I have a huge numbers of frames i'm not motivated to try to mess with my own rotation and save back to disk unless the batch processing does NOT do any rotation then I have no choice and will manually rotate as I have been doing after I discovered this issue.

? rotation of the camera should not affect the calibration frames... the top of the sensor is always the top of the sensor. or are you saying that they intentionally write the data out in the fits file 'upside down' when the telescope is flipped? that would be kind of crazy.

they may be giving you those fits keywords just as a courtesy and not touching the data. in any case StarAlignment will be able to rotate your frames for you.

if they in fact are writing the data differently, if you are lucky maybe changing the fits reader origin can undo the flip. i think there are format hints for this but i don't know if BPP takes them. i guess it does have a checkbox though for the fits reader direction, if i remember correctly.

Offline astrospotter

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #7 on: 2013 March 07 20:20:21 »
yes they rotate them 180 in their calibrated frames but I believe I have discovered that their uncalibrated frames are also fliped which makes it tough for my workflow and adds  pre-calibration process steps to figure out which ones need to rotate then rotate them.     Yes it is not what I want them to be doing.   This may be a new bug I have discovered for them as they claim they did not intend to rotate the uncalibrated frames.

I'm just searching to see if batch processing did it at all to save some time.   

I was just checking in the off chance that the tool may have that given some keyword or another in the FITS info.

mark johnston

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #8 on: 2013 March 07 20:39:46 »
that's really weird that they write the data out differently depending on the side of pier. i can see wanting to know the hint that the light needs to be rotated but not actually changing the fits file itself.

but anyway, to my knowledge the BPP script nor the underlying process (ImageCalibration) has any idea about the rotation. maybe if juan sees this he can comment on this. i don't remember the full set of format hints, but they are here on the forum somewhere. that's the only thing i can think of, is that it might be handled with a format hint.

Offline beta63

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #9 on: 2013 March 11 13:41:11 »
Now it works!

Offline astrospotter

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Re: Batch preprocessing
« Reply #10 on: 2013 March 12 19:46:41 »
Yes, my question was exactly seeking if there was some processing keyword or something that would pre-rotate lights.

Not that big of a deal because frankly Batch Processing Script is totally amazing and I really LOVE it!    Thanks.

Coming to the rescue is then 'Image Containers' and 'fast rotation' process.  Real fast, it's not so bad, just one more thing to do ..

Mark Johnston