I was very excited to finally get my three master images of M42 H-alpha data together: 1 minute, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes. I used
RBA's excellent tutorialas a guide, keeping the data linear.
Unfortunately, the resulting HDR image looks very posterized in the deep clouds surrounding the core. I suspect this has something to do with the 1 minute image, but perhaps it's a function of the 64-bit product. I tried a few things like excluding one of the images from the process, but I need that dim core for the image to be fully realized.
Here is the posterized result and the three source files, all auto-stretched. Yes, I know the 1 minute exposure looks pretty bad, but I was just hoping to use the core.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n98g0tlxj3c5pzy/PosterizedHDR.pngAny thoughts?