Author Topic: Side of filters ...  (Read 7770 times)

Offline DanH

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Side of filters ...
« on: 2012 October 22 06:27:11 »
Hi all,

I received today the set of Baader narrowbandfilters as described on this page :

I have one newbee question, after close examination of the filters.

The two sides of the filters don't look the same. For example, the H-alpha filter has a mirror like side and a more reddish one.
Which side should be facing the camara ? The mirror-like one or the reddish one ?

Maybe it doesn't matter ...

As those filters are unmounted, I cannot look at the thread to guess which side should face the camera.

Thanks in advance for any reply to this stupid question.


Meade APO 5000/127 - Starlight Xpress  SXVR H18+ SX Filter Wheel - 10Micron GM1000 HPS

Offline sreilly

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Re: Side of filters ...
« Reply #1 on: 2012 October 22 06:53:01 »
From an e-mail to Baader back in January about their filters:

And as promised, the more detailed response from Baader:

“- and we are very silent - to say the least...

The "V" marks the "preferred orientation". That is:

"Normally" - always the more reflective side of any filter should point away
from the imaging plane (chip). This works better for about 95% of all filter

It is logical - to try and send reflections from the more reflective metal
side (= dielectric coating stack) of the filter back right into the sky -
and to not have the stronger reflective side of the filter point towards the
chip surface, eventually causing more of retro-reflections between chip
surface - and camera window - and filter surface - than necessary.

Alas - this cannot be declared the general rule.

Sometimes the customer uses an optical system that would put a lens or a
series of lenses so close in front of the filter that it again can cause
reflections focusing at or near the chip surface - and this will affect any
filter make, regardless of the manufacturer.

So - only if there is a focal reducer or field flattener (or barlow lens)
added into the optical train - that is - if an otherwise reflection free
optics suddenly produces halos - it certainly can happen that the user must
try to reverse the filter orientation and reposition filters within the
optical train and check if the situation will improve.

So for this reason we hesitate to imperatively declare a preferred filter
orientation or to claim a sole solution. Every optical system will require
to find the best compromise. Some systems though are already designed with
the given position of a filter implemented into the design of the auxillary
lenses - such as Planewave CDK´s for instance.

Best regards,

Service Team


BAADER PLANETARIUM GMBH * Zur Sternwarte * D-82291 Mammendorf

Tel.: +49(0)8145-8089-0 * Fax: +49(0)8145-8089-105 *
OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5

Offline DanH

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Re: Side of filters ...
« Reply #2 on: 2012 October 22 07:26:49 »
Wow Steve !

That's an impressive and clear answer !

As I have a flattener in front of the filterwheel, I'll try with the more reflective surface pointing towards the CCD.

At least, I understand now that the orientation doesn't really matter, as long as we don't generate halos.

Thank you very much !

« Last Edit: 2012 November 02 09:19:32 by DanH »
Meade APO 5000/127 - Starlight Xpress  SXVR H18+ SX Filter Wheel - 10Micron GM1000 HPS

Offline sreilly

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Re: Side of filters ...
« Reply #3 on: 2012 October 22 11:45:53 »
This was something I faced with my 12.5" RC using an AO-L with the STL-11000M and 10 position filter wheel. The fact that you have a lens of sorts in the AO-L was causing some issues. So Baader seemed the best source to get answers to these questions. I have the post saved for future uses like this post. Hopefully it came across as a reply from Baader.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5