What are the typical processing steps using PixInsight for NB images. I can't seem to find a good tutorial that's consistent for NB images. There are several different methods but I don't seem to do them properly.
The following link shows sample processings of Bubble Nebula. The details are there.
http://peternagy.smugmug.com/Telescopes/Nebulae/15823498_3vBdTQ#!i=2137856533&k=ztLNFbBIf you see the first two NB images, notice the colorless parts, these are mostly from Ha. I mapped as follows:
R = Sii
G = Ha
B = Oiii
When I do LRGB combination, the result is almost all green. I believe the majority of green was dominated by Ha. After stretching with Histogram Transformation, I run SCNR and it resulted what you see at my web site. It strips out a good portion of Ha and showed colorless parts that seem to defeat the purpose of capturing Ha. I believe the yellow parts are from Sii and the blue parts are from Oiii.
What are the typical Pixel Math for NB processing? What's a good Pixel Math to begin with?
My first NB image at my web site is unusual processing. It includes Ha, Oiii, Sii, Red, Green and Blue. I made it all up and got strange and decent results. I know there's no right or wrong way. I used Harry's Adding Ha to RGB method for all broadband filters. For example, Ha was added to Red, Sii was added to Green and Sii was added to Blue using Harry's tutorial or Vicent Peris method. I mapped them to:
Red = SiiGreen
Green = HaRed
Blue = OiiBlue
I know this is crazy.
The second Bubble Nebula at my web site is purely NB, no RGB were included. It seems to have less color than first Bubble Nebula.
Do my NB processes of Bubble Nebula look correct to you?
Also at my web site, you will see other processes like HaRGB, Bi-color using Ha and Oii, Ha, Oiii and Sii.