Hi, for this month:
Object: NGC 7293
Camera: Canon 450 Digital Rebel XSi - Filter Type I
Telescope: William Optics 132 FLT - Focal Leng 925 mm - f/7
Number of images: 29 x 10 minutes. ISO 800
Total time: 4 hours y 50 minutes
Program: PixInsight
Comments: Guided with Orion 100 mm and SSAG from Trenel, La Pampa - Argentina.
Calibrated with BatchPreprocessingScript using Bias, Darks and Flats and Integrated with Image integration:
As it is the result of two diferents days and the objecto each day was in diferent position, I had to crop what was not usefull
Now DBE to remove the gradient:
With AberrationSpotter create an image that represent the background to be used as reference image in BackgroundNeutralization
Now color calibration using as white reference the targetimage:
Generate the PSF to be used in Deconvolution:
With ClassicMask Script Generate a mask over the image and apply Range selection to the ClassicMask to generate a RangeMask only with stars. ( I did this because ClasiscMask let some background remaining).
Separate RGB channels and apply Deconvolution independiently to each channel protecting stars with the RangeMask
To Red channel:
To Green channel:
To Blue Channel and after that Channel combination
Comparative before and after Deconvolution
Before stretching I will correct dark pixels in the background applying MorphologialTransformation. To protect stars and nebulae generate a RangeMask (in black only the pixels that will be afected)
The following gif lost quality but can be seen the idea:
Transfer STF to HT's control bar and Apply
ColorSaturation without protection. It is going to increase noise in chrominance considerably.
ACDNR to chrominance
Generate a RangeMask to protect stars and nebulae and apply k-sigma (ATWT) to Noise reduction
Invert the mask to protect background and apply two consectives LHE variating considerably the raidus
After LHE usualy is needed to saturate again as the region lost colour
To eliminate the green in stars, generate a StarMask and apply SCNR protecting background and nebulae
With the same StarMask apply color saturation to stars
Once again ACDNR to reduce noice in Chorminance
MorphologicalSelection to reduce stars protecting background with the previous StarMask
Generate a Rangemask to protect background and main nebulae to increase the brighness in the faintest nebulosity applying ExponentialTransformation. See the diferency in the next two screenshot
With the same RangeMask apply CT to the same area
To decrease saturation and Luminance in the background, generate a new RangeMask to protect nebulae and stars and apply CT
As steal there is too noise a last noise reduction routine protecting stars with StarMask and applying a convolution to Smooth.
Edit: It is too noise. I have extracted Luminance, inverted it and apply HT and ATWT to make a mask to protect nebulae and decrease a little Luminance in the background
Final Image:
Saludos, Alejandro.