If I can do one I would be able to do the other.
Well, I ask because when dealing with inverse problems (recover the original, ideal image) one usually deal with both issues at the same time, in a regularized deconvolution. Often this is done with an iterative approach, where you are using either a dynamic equation, or minimizing a functional (data fidelity plus regularization terms).
A very simple way to deal with the problem is the Tikhonov regularization (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikhonov_regularization ). This is also the same principle behind SVD regularization and the Wiener filter. In a nutshell, since noise lives in high frequency components, you amplify the low frequency components of the image until a cut off frequency that is related to the noise. This way, you enhance the image, without noise amplification. In the Wiener filter the transition is smooth and you may achieve some noise reduction.
Of course there are much better ways to deal with the problem. Since the Tikhonov regularization searches for an optimal solution that is closer to the ideal image in a least squares sense, loss of definition in the edges and other artifacts are generated (ringing, due the high degree continuity that it imposes). Total variation based regularizations, for example, assume that the image is piecewise constant, thus achieving sharp edges, at the expense of generating stairlike gradients, or discontinuities in smooth transitions. The GRAYCstoration is a complex example of this kind of regularization, used for noise reduction purposes (also, in the page of the authors of that algorithm, you may see other uses, like inpainting).
There is also a more complex regularization, that we are working on, that is called Total Generalized Variation. In this algorithm, the image is assumed to be piecewise smooth, avoiding the stairlike artifacts and most of the ringing.
So, if you want to get into this field, I recommend you to do some research on inverse problems, and regularization methods. Also, you may look into representation in other spaces (like wavelets), that may be more effective to isolate noise than the Fourier transform. Usually the DFT is a great tool to simplify the convolution processes, but is not that great to reduce noise o model it, unless it is a clear periodical signal.