To further make BatchPreProcessing even more user friendly, I have created 2 process icons. One for a CosmeticCorrection template that just has autodetect ticked, and one for BatchPreProcessing that already points to my bias and dark library masters and points to the CC template process icon for me. So all I have to do is add the lights and flats for the session.
I have saved the execution of this as a very basic scp script:
open /Users/troy/Applications/pixinsight/BatchPP_template.xpsm
instance --icon=BatchPP_template -execute-global
There are a couple of things I'm trying to figure out how to do and have some questions.
1. I can't see how to feature the scp script, so can't add it as a favourite etc. I have to go to the menu, scripts, execture script, change filetype option to scp, then click it. Am I missing something or is this the only way to do it?
2. Depending on the answer to 1. above, would I be better off converting to js script? Not sure how to do that, so would appreciate some pointers in the right direction.
3. After the scp script executes, the BPP script has done its thing, and I close the BPP window, the BPP process icon's window is still open. Ideally I'd like my script to close this window, and then remove the 2 process icons from the desktop. Any ideas how to achieve that too?
I would think that others would benefit from this template idea, so once I get this working I intend to post what I have done in more detail in the tips and tricks or tutorials section.