I posted a new version of this script, see the head post. Primary changes are (1) switched to median deviation (MedDev) instead of average deviation (AvgDev) for robustness, (2) added MRS noise and SNR weight values.
MSR noise is the same value produced by the Noise Evaluation script. It is a measure of noise in the image's structure free regions. To convert to electrons (e-) multiply this value by 65535 * gain. I like to compare this value to that of a dark with the same exposure.
SNR weight is the value (MedDev / MSRNoise)^2. SNR weight is an unnormalized estimate of the weight used by ImageIntegration's Noise Evaluation method. (ImageIntegration currently uses AvgDev clipped to (0.0, 0.98] rather than an unclipped MedDev). You can estimate II's weight via the ratio of the SNR weights of the target and reference. The intuition behind this formula is this (assuming equally exposed subs): Smaller MRSNoise values are better (less light pollution and air glow). Larger MedDev values are better (better transparency and contrast).
On the issue of sub evaluation, here is what I am doing now. All my evaluations are done on calibrated but unregistered subs.
I discard subs with relatively poor FWHM. What is poor? For this example set I consider a FWHM 10% or more larger than the best FWHM in the set poor. So subs 1 and 24 got discarded. (These are undersampled subs, hence the small FWHM in pixels.)

I discard subs with poor Eccentricity. Collimation and tracking is usually good on my setup, eccentricities are usually smaller than 0.43, which is OK in my opinion. None got discarded.

I discard subs with relatively poor SNR weight. Sub 4 is an obvious outliner (heavy smoke from forest fire), it got discarded. Actually all subs were smoke affected, but not too badly.

Finally, for integration weighting purposes, I use the SNR weights (or Noise Evaluation weights) of the calibrated but unregistered subs. This avoids weighting artifacts due to undersampled sub interpolation.