I don't see the column names there:
Target view,broom_ha_600s2
Star detection layers,4
Noise reduction layers,2
Hot pixel filter radius (px),1
Log(detection sensitivity),0.00
Star peak response,0.80
Maximum star distortion,0.50
Generate detected stars map,false
Model function,Moffat4
Circular point spread function,false
Scale mode,Pixels
Elongation mode,Eccentricity
Generate fitted stars map,false
Mosaic size,1
Generate visualization,false
Aggregate visualization,false
Generate tabulation,true
Stars fitted,829
Do I have an outdated version of the script? I'm using 0.33.
I also don't see them in the code itself:
file.outTextLn("Stars fitted," +
rowColumn + format("%d", psfEstimates[0][i][PSFEstimate_StarsFitted]));
if (psfEstimates[0][i][PSFEstimate_StarsFitted] != 0) {
if (parameters.circularPSF) {
for (var j = 0; j != psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points].length; ++j) {
"Star," +
rowColumn +
format("%d,", j + 1) +
format("%.6f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_B]) +
format("%.6f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_A]) +
format("%.2f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_X]) +
format("%.2f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_Y]) +
format("%.2f,", scaleModeUnits[0] * FWHMPerStdDev[parameters.modelFunction] *
psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_Sx]) +
format("%.3e", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_MAD])
I mean something like
file.outTextLn("Stars fitted," +
rowColumn + format("%d", psfEstimates[0][i][PSFEstimate_StarsFitted]));
if (psfEstimates[0][i][PSFEstimate_StarsFitted] != 0) {
if (parameters.circularPSF) {
for (var j = 0; j != psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points].length; ++j) {
"Star," +
rowColumn +
format("%d,", j + 1) +
format("%.6f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_B]) +
format("%.6f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_A]) +
format("%.2f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_X]) +
format("%.2f,", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_Y]) +
format("%.2f,", scaleModeUnits[0] * FWHMPerStdDev[parameters.modelFunction] *
psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_Sx]) +
format("%.3e", psfEstimates[1][i][Barycenters_Points][j][PSF_MAD])
I would also remove all the summaries from the CSV. IMO CSV should contain only the data for the fitter stars + column names.