Your ImageSolver script is a terrific tool and works great and quickly on all the finished images I've tried it on. Thanks very much for putting all this work into it.
I have found, however, that if I wanted to use this in the field on subimages with my (XP) laptop that, even after calibration, it can take a very variable amount of time with a large number of trials. In particular, if you mistype so the input coordinates are out bounds, the script hangs up the entire computer badly until 10 or 15 minutes later when it either actually gets a solution or, more likely, gives up with an error message. My question is: can the script poll for a click on the PI process window ABORT button often enough so that the user can STOP the script quickly if it obviously is going off into hyperspace to struggle for a solution, probably through an input typing error? Or maybe it is always going to be too much of a computing load to use in the field while real-time mount and camera control software operating at the same time with critical time-response requirements.
Thanks very much.
Clear skies,