Author Topic: M45 - Unable to computer noise estimate  (Read 4524 times)

Offline alvinjamur

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    • Al Vinjamur Photography
M45 - Unable to computer noise estimate
« on: 2012 January 24 10:50:19 »

I've created master darks, bias, and flats (12 subs each) as per Vicent's tutorial.
I've calibrated light images (16 subs each of RGB+L) in IC using files gotten in the step
above, then I've registered them using StarAlignment using a luminance image as the
reference for all of them.

When I load up a channel (say Blue) in ImageIntegration, to create the master frame
in a particular channel (say Blue), PI barfs with the error

"Channel #0) : Unable to compute noise estimate."

I'm stuck. Advice, please!


(2c) || (!(2c)) = !?

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: M45 - Unable to computer noise estimate
« Reply #1 on: 2012 January 26 12:02:47 »
This is strange. Can you upload the image? That's the only way I can see what happens.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Josh Lake

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Re: M45 - Unable to computer noise estimate
« Reply #2 on: 2012 January 26 15:23:28 »
With a bit of TeamViewer monitoring and the use of the fantastic new version of the Blink process, Al and I figured out that it was a subset of very bad frames throwing things out of whack. Clearing those, then calibrating, then stacking has led to better results. The data he ended up using is very good stuff, should lead to a great image.

Offline alvinjamur

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Re: M45 - Unable to computer noise estimate
« Reply #3 on: 2012 January 26 21:00:49 »
Thu, Jan 25, 2357 EST

Latest thing is this :

I re-created master bias, darks, flats as per vicent's tutorial (followed to the T).
I have master bias (from 25 bias frames) and master dark (from 50 darks so Noise won't scale).

All the channels ran through the calibration OK.

After Registration (using StarAlignment) and upon Integration to produce the
master channels :

- The L channel is great. All the data is fantastic for the m45 Luminance master.
- The R channel barfs with a "Cannot compute noise estimate" error. too sleepy to see how the G and B turned out. Tomorrow morning, I will
start off by re-doing the whole process from the point of checking the RED flat
frames, to creating RED master flats....


- aLV

PS: PixInsight is awesome. The learning curve is steep but its making me go look up
old signal processing math from a long long time ago. :-))

(2c) || (!(2c)) = !?