This is weird, but obviously something went wrong when you installed the latest update. I can't reproduce this problem on any of our machines.
Anyway, the easiest solution is reinstalling all modules. Please follow these steps:
1. Run PixInsight Core.
2. If you have customized your favorite process collection, go to the main menu and select: Process > Favorites > Save Favorite Process Collection. Save your favorites to a .xfpc file anywhere on your filesystem.
3. From the main menu: Process > Modules > Manage Modules. On the Manage Modules dialog, click the Disable All button. Then click the Done button.
4. Exit PixInsight.
5. Run PixInsight.
6a. If you saved a favorite process collection in step 2, Go to Process > Favorites > Load Favorite Process Collection and load your .xfpc file.
6b. If you didn't save a .xfpc file in step 2, open the Process Explorer window and right-click the ProcessContainer item (it is the only item in the <Favorites> category). Select Set Default Favorite Process Collection and answer Yes to the confirmation dialog.
Now you should have all available modules installed and everything should be normal. Please let me know if this works.