Meanwhile I would ask the javascript-gurus to design a script with which - after a mouseclick you can paste backgroundpixelvalues to unwanted starpixels outside a certain user-defined radius of the PSF-centre.
Zbynek, I know that you can build this in 15 minutes ;-)
I missed this one... Well, that's really an overstatement 8). First, I'm not javascript guru. I am indeed software developer and I have like 12 years of praxis with C++ and C#. So, my natural environment is PCL. Frankly, before PixInsight I wrote no single line of JS code, nor code in any other dynamically typed language like Python etc. I found JS useful for automating some of my processing steps (or just to experiment), it would take me a long time to create complete script with user interface etc.
This does not mean your idea is not worth considering. But to be honest, I don't really understand what you mean. Could you be more clear?
For that particular case, I can imagine (just wild thinking) something like
- take a PSF model as an input,
- detect stars,
- for each star, scale PSF to match the star as as possible
- do the difference between actual star image and scaled psf
- add the difference to the mask image
- select the generated mask for the image
- do morphological erosion with mask applied
However, there's a lot of catches - close stars whose PSFs partially overlap, diffraction spikes, star-like features in nebulae or galaxies to avoid... So I'm not sure if all this is worth the effort.
regards, Zbynek