I am very interested in knowing your experiences with PixInsight on Mac OS X Lion. I am now on vacation (so to say) and have no Mac computer at hand, so my first tests with Lion will happen in September.
I have tried to do everything I can to avoid compatibility problems with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion in PixInsight 1.7. So there should be no problems. However, with Apple one can never be sure that things will work on one of their new releases. They call this 'innovation'
I have noticed that PI 1.7 (64bits) is very prone to crash on quit but not in the program itself
That shouldn't happen. Does that happen also in the 32-bit version?
I'm sending a report to apple each time PI crash. Do you get some info from apple about that ?
No, of course we get absolutely nothing from Apple. Better don't send any reports; they probably could be 'useful for us' in ways that we don't want to be useful at all -- you get what I mean, right?