Hi Guys, first post here. I recently purchased PixInsight and I'm still learning my way around the software. I was particularly interested in the synthetic starfield generator. I'm running PI on a Win64 platform. It's an I7 core with 24GB of RAM.
I've been doing mosaicking for a while so I'm quite familiar with various other softwares such as registar and Photoshop which I both currently use to do my star registration and panels blending. This works fine for local fields under 10 degrees.
Recently I've started shooting large chunk of skies with 200,100 and now 50mm lenses in hydrogen alpha. With my camera sensor size the 50mm lens gives me a field of approx. 27x18 degrees and the 100mm lens will give me 13.5x9 degrees fov.
I had no problem stitching about 7 panels shot with the 100mm lens with minimal distortion.
http://www.astropic.net/astro/MW_100mm_ha_PI_f.jpgBut I'm having a hell of a time trying to do the same with the 50mm lens. The field of each subs is about twice as big as the 100mm lens. As a result the whole mosaic is approx. 140 degrees wide. Registar can't do it because you need an initial reference panel. That's the way it works. By the time you go 2 or 3 panels out on each side the distortion and flaring is very bad to the point you cannot register all the additional panels.
So I generated a synthetic map in PI thinking it would give me a reasonably flat scaffold to start from. I centered the map generator reference on the RA/DEC in the middle of the panels group and used a 10mm FL and a sensor size of 15000x15000 pixels to make sure all the panels would register within the area. I saved the file as a TIFF 16bit file and used it as a scaffold in registar again. It turns out the map generated in PI is already flaring, so although I do get a better result the distortion is still very obvious and not workable.
Maybe I'm using the wrong field size, FL parameters in the starmap generator. So I'd be interested in hearing what others do with those gigantic milkyway panorama and trying to get a spherical projection to a reasonably flat pano from a flat group of panels.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.