Author Topic: Reading Maxim FITS files  (Read 8565 times)

Offline ghartke

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Reading Maxim FITS files
« on: 2005 April 04 15:49:08 »
I find that the only FITS format that I write from Maxim that can be read properly in PixInsight is in a 16-bit unsigned integer format. I'm sure that isn't right and that PI can read the IEEE 32-bit float format that Maxim writes but I haven't been able to find the trick to make it work. I would appreciate any insight into my error. Thanks for the help!

Greg Hartke
Sykesville, MD USA

Offline Juan Conejero

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Reading Maxim FITS files
« Reply #1 on: 2005 April 06 16:07:11 »
Hi Greg,

PixInsight is able to read and write virtually any valid FITS file.

Supported features include:

- 8-bit unsigned integers.
- 16 and 32-bit signed and unsigned integers.
- 32 and 64-bit IEEE floating point.
- Grayscale and RGB color images.
- Unlimited number of alpha channels.
- Embedded ICC profiles, metadata, color space and resolution data.

I would like to see one of these FITS files that you cannot open in PixInsight. Could you please upload some of them to a website and post the address here? Also, what error message(s) are you getting when you try to open them?

Thank you.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team