Hi everybody,
I want to introduce you a new member of our development team, Javier Sanchis '
Javier holds a licentiate degree in Technical Telecommunications Engineering from the
University of Valencia (Spain) and a licentiate degree in Electronics Engineering from the same university. He is currently completing a master's degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the
Polytechnic University of Valencia.
One of Javier's most relevant projects has been the design and development of a wide-range spectrometer for operation inside the ISS spacecraft at the European Space Agency (ESA):
Under The Background Influence (UTBI). The main goal of UTBI was the measurement of the background radiation inside the spacecraft. Measurements of the X-ray, gamma ray and other particles outside the Earth's geomagnetic field can help in the development of future space vehicles and other space technologies. UTBI was launched on September 18th 2006 onboard SOYUZ TMA9-13S toward ISS, where astronaut Thomas Reiter operated it from September 28th to October 13th of 2006. UTBI was Javier's
final degree thesis at the University of Valencia.
We have hired Javier in the context of a collaborative program between our company and the
Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia (OAUV). The main goal of this program is development of new PixInsight tools with educational and research applications in astronomy, mainly in the fields of photometry and astrometry. This program is right now undergoing its initial training phases. As part of this training/learning work, one of the first tools that we have developed with Javier is the new Convolution process, available in PixInsight 1.7.0. With the help of Javier and the OAUV staff, we hope to develop powerful research-grade tools that will help us make PixInsight much better as an image processing and development platform, along with putting us in a stronger position against our competitors.
Welcome aboard!