AAIC = Australian Astro Imaging Conference =
http://www.aaic2011.com/The conference takes place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Surfers Paradise, on the Gold Coast in Queensland, from July 8 until the 10th, and yours truly will be there, doing a couple of PixInsight workshops on the 8th, and a stage presentation on the 9th or 10th (not sure which day yet).
Mark Bolton, who I met at last AIC (single "A") has done an amazingly superb job putting this together, and the program looks truly top-notch, with some of the very best Australian astroimagers - people like Prof. David Malin, Eddie Trimachi, Anthony Wesley and many more! Ken Crawford and myself will be "representing" the non-Aussie world.
So for those of you down under, I hope you can make it!