Mark, take a look at the right side of my screen shoot, note the second button in the Image Integration window, (Set Reference), if you don’t select a Reference sub, the first image is used or if you have a Reference Image that has been selected for Star Registration and it is open, this open image will be the Reference image used for Image Integration. (on my Mac).
On the possible computer problem, you could give your wife your old computer and use this good will to justify buying a new Cray. 8>) I did something like this when I gave my wife my 2 year old 17” MacBookPro, replacing her old Dell Inspiron that had every kind of -Ware program, Mal , Ad, Spy, Under. I bought a new 17” i7 MacBookPro for PI. What a considerate thing to do; am I a good husband or what? It seems I still have to remind her now and then of this, I think see could have “CRS”.
On the other hand, for the computer problem , if it’s a Windows Computer and has a motherboard that can hold the extra memory, you could load it up with ram and make a ram disk , check out this web site.,2778-4.htmlAnother thing to do for the computer issue is check the (Region of Interest) box located at the bottom of the Integration window and set the top left corner point and then the width and height of this region , this reduces the size of the image the program uses for its calculations.
On a completely different point see the image, is a Hot Pixel at 2522x1573 on my DSLR, note that when I convert this sub using the MonoChrome setting, I have one hot pixel. When I covert to RGB and then Debayer this same image I get one Hot Pixel at 2522x1573 that equals a level of 0.24 and four not so hot pixels at a 0.016 level surrounding the Hot Pixel . The camera is a Canon T1i that creates a 14bit file so clipped level is 0.25 in theory.