Author Topic: Process icon detail - essential information for DSLR users  (Read 4477 times)


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Not sure where I should post this. In relation to this process icon -

Would it be OK to include the explanatory detail in the DSLR_RAW workflow thread. Essentially, the information in the explanatory notes is needed to properly prepare master calibration frames, as it applies to dslr users, and not immediately evident in the master frame creation tutorial, and not necessarily obvious to new PI users, as it applies to PI - given the number of inquiries and difficulties mentioned by new users including myself. Failing instruction, and working with bits and pieces gleaned from forum members, the process is better explained up front.

Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: Process icon detail - essential information for DSLR users
« Reply #1 on: 2011 January 31 20:05:17 »
Astropixel, I would also suggest editing this file, making it easier to read by removing some of the sub file info.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod


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Re: Process icon detail - essential information for DSLR users
« Reply #2 on: 2011 January 31 20:14:49 »
 :) I did already, but I think I need permission from the author to post it in that form. Thanks again - life saver :D I know the bias, master, flat thing is trivial - but it's the application in PI that had me stumped. Reading the detail I get what was happening that was not immediately evident and contrary to what was expected.

EDIT: I guess no one will mind if I reproduce the paragraphs for easy reference.
« Last Edit: 2011 February 01 11:35:07 by astropixel »