Author Topic: Permanent STF effect?  (Read 3935 times)

Offline Conor

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Permanent STF effect?
« on: 2010 November 17 15:46:20 »
How would one achieve the permanent effect of enabling STF? I've just been processing an image
and I am astounded at the level of detail that STF shows. Having applied a histogram stretch I can't
expose even remotely close to the same amount of detail as STF. I've been following a few of the
tutorials (Just started this evening) but am, as of yet, unsuccessful. I get the gist of what STF is doing,
based on some of the other posts I've read on this forum, but I'm unsure as to how to advance from

Has anyone any suggestions, either solutions or sources of further information, to help me finishing
my first shot?

Many thanks in advance.
Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX III w/ QE Reducer
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Offline Luigi

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Re: Permanent STF effect?
« Reply #1 on: 2010 November 17 17:45:28 »
Assuming your STF'ed image is open and the STF dialog is open as well ...

Open a HistogramTransformation.
Click drag (i.e. primary-mouse-button-click and hold the button down while moving the mouse) the 'triangle' icon (the 'new instance' icon) in the lower left corner of the STF window to the 'bottom bar' of the HT window and release the button. The STF parameters will be 'imported' into the HT.

Luigi Marchesi

Offline Philip de Louraille

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Re: Permanent STF effect?
« Reply #2 on: 2010 November 17 22:42:01 »
When you do that, your image then become stretched twice. It is normal. No panic. Just zero the STF effect by clicking the icon on the lower right of the STF window. The histogram stretch then remains.
Philip de Louraille

Offline mmirot

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Re: Permanent STF effect?
« Reply #3 on: 2010 November 18 07:12:30 »
Also once the STF setting are transferred to Histogram window; you must apply it to the image to make it permanent. This is done by  dragging the Histrogram triangle on to the image.  So it is essetially a two step process. 

1) STF drag N drop triangle to bottom bar of histogram window ( transfers settings),
2) then drag N drop Histo triangle on to image.
(Then as just mentioned reset or turn off the STF)


Offline Conor

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Re: Permanent STF effect?
« Reply #4 on: 2010 November 20 10:34:28 »
Thank you all for your prompt replies. I've taken on some of your suggestions which have
resulted closer to the end result I desire. I'll admit many of my shortcomings are a result of
being unfamiliar with a lot of the UI and features but since I made this post, my skills have
improved significantly. PixInsight is very powerful, indeed.

There are further questions which I have, but I suppose it would make more sense to post
separate threads in relation to these.

Many thanks, once again, for your inputs and insights.
Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX III w/ QE Reducer
William Optics 110FLT Apo Triplet
William Optics Megrez 72 Apo Doublet
iOptron CEM60
QSI 583ws & 3nm Ha/OIII/SII filters
Trying to use PixInsight on FreeBSD