Hi Dave,
On the Mac, the standard color profile folders are the following:
Global Profiles folder:
User Profiles folder:
Network Profiles folder:
PixInsight will automatically detect and use all valid ICC profiles on these folders. So if you have profiles in other locations, you just have to copy them to one of the standard locations (better use your user profiles folder; otherwise you'll need root privileges to write to other directories) and PixInsight will detect them the next time you launch the PI Core application.
Other applications may let you work with profiles in arbitrary folders, but regarding color management, PixInsight always tries to adhere to reasonable standards on each platform.
Photoshop does not recognise the embedded ICC profile from PixInsight
Can you be more specific? Which file format and which particular ICC profile are giving you problems with that application?
If the image is in the grayscale color space, take into account that PixInsight is able to use RGB profiles with grayscale images (the grayscale space is a subset of the RGB space where R=G=B). This is a nonstandard PI feature that other applications normally don't support.