Hi All,
I am not actually 'going anywhere' with the video - I really only put this tutorial together as a 'first attempt', to see what was actually involved in operating the video capture and editing software.
I then followed it up with a tutorial on DynamicAlignment, showing how to select stars in one image, see them 'match up' on a target image (a 'synthesised starfield in this case - hence the first video), and then have PI 'dynamically align' the source to the target. But the second tutorial grew arms and legs, and I became bored and disillusioned
Some day, I may punish myself hard enough to finish the second video, and then let you all see the results.
But, again, these tutorials are really just to 'show you how' - they were never intended to 'explain why'
So, I really only finally posted the video in response to Colin's question, where he wanted "a tool to generate an accurate Starfield based on catalogued data of all stars in a particular region of the sky" - which, to me, is exactly what StarGenerator provides, and which is what my first video demostrated. Colin must therefore have an idea of how he would like to 'use' the StarGenerator tool.
Personally, I have not had to use it since I made the video