PixInsight 1.6.1 introduces four new console-based commands:
lskwd and
hash. This is a brief list with manual pages. Note that the same information is available with the standard help command (e.g. 'help lsimg'), or by running the commands with the standard --help argument (e.g. 'lsimg --help').
lsimgThe lsimg command writes information about views and their contained images.
Usage: lsimg [<arg_list>] [<image_id_list>]
-W[=<ws_id>|<ws_idx>] | -workspace[=<ws_id>|<ws_idx>]
Restricts view listing to a given workspace. When the optional <ws_id>
is specified, only views pertaining to a workspace whose identifier is
<ws_id> will be listed. When the optional <ws_idx> is specified, output
is restricted to the workspace whose index is <ws_idx> >= 0. When no
workspace identifier or index is specified, lsimg restricts view listing
to the current workspace.
-s | -short
Enables the short listing mode. In short listing mode, only the view
identifiers are written. (default=short)
-l | -long
Enables the long listing mode. In long mode, lsimg prints flags and
numerical data for each view. The following information is written
in tabular format:
f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfc w h n R f s u W v
f1 : > if the view is the current view, - otherwise.
f2 : p if the view is a preview, - otherwise.
f3 : c if the view is a color image, - if it is a grayscale image.
f4 : l if the view uses a local RGBWS, - if it uses the global RGBWS.
f5 : I if the image has an embedded ICC profile, - otherwise.
f6 : P if color proofing is enabled for this image, G if gamut check is
enabled, - otherwise.
f7 : k if the image has embedded FITS keywords, - otherwise.
f8 : m if the image has embedded XML metadata, - otherwise.
f9 : * if the view is modified, - otherwise.
fa : n if the image window contains a newly created image, u if the
image has been downloaded from a remote URI, - if the image has
been read from a local file.
fb : c if the image has been read as a copy of a local file, - otherwise.
fc : i if the image window is iconic, - otherwise.
w : width of the image in pixels.
h : height of the image in pixels.
n : number of channels in the image.
R : r if the image has real pixels, c if it is a complex image.
f : sample data format: i<n> or f<n>, where i indicates an integer
format and f a floating point format, and <n> is the sample size
in bits (8, 16, 32, 64 or 128).
s : size of the pixel data.
u : size units.
W : workspace identifier.
v : full view identifier.
-L | -very-long
Same as -l, but the full file path and URI (when applicable) are also
written for each view, on separate text lines.
Displays this help and exits.
Without arguments, lsimg prints information for the current view.
lswsThe lsws command writes information about workspaces and their contained objects.
Usage: lsws [<arg_list>] [<ws_id_list>]
Defines a set of workspaces by their identifiers. The standard ? and *
wildcards are allowed and interpreted in the usual way.
-s | -short
Enables the short listing mode. In short listing mode, only the
workspace identifiers are written. (default=short)
-l | -long
Enables the long listing mode. In long mode, lsws prints flags and
numerical data for each workspace. The following information is
written in tabular format:
f1f2f3f4f5f6 ni np nm nn w W
f1 : > if the workspace is the current workspace, - otherwise.
f2 : t if the workspace has top-level child windows, - otherwise.
f3 : i if the workspace has visible images, - otherwise.
f4 : p if the workspace has visible process interfaces, - otherwise.
f5 : m if the workspace has image icons, - otherwise.
f6 : n if the workspace has instance icons, - otherwise.
ni : number of visible image windows in the workspace.
np : number of visible process interfaces in the workspace.
nm : number of image icons in the workspace.
nn : number of instance icons in the workspace.
w : workspace index.
W : workspace identifier.
Displays this help and exits.
Without arguments, lsws prints information for the current workspace.
lskwdThe lskwd command writes a list of the existing FITS header keywords in a set of images.
Usage: lskwd [<arg_list>] [<image_id_list>]
Displays this help and exits.
Without arguments, lskwd prints keyword information for the current image.
hashThe hash command computes cryptographic hash digests of images.
Usage: hash [<arg_list>] [<image_id_list>]
-a=<alg> | -algorithm=<alg>
Specifies a cryptographic hash algorithm. <alg> can be one of the
md4, md5, sha1, MD4, MD5, SHA1
Lowercase and uppercase variants have the same meaning. (default=md5)
Specify a cryptographic hash algorithm. These arguments are equivalent
to their corresponding counterparts for the -a argument.
-c=<n> | -channel=<n>
<n> is a valid channel index (zero-based). By default, message digests
are computed for all channels of the target images(s). The specified
channel must exist on all subsequent target images, or a runtime error
will occur. (default=all).
Displays this help and exits.