Some tips to speed up StarAlignment:
- Star Detection > Detection scales: Decrease the number of scales to 3.
- Star Matching > Maximum stars. By default, 2000 stars are used in SA's first try. You can decrease this parameter to something like 1000 or even 500.
- Star Matching > Triangles per star. This parameter can be reduced to something between 8 to 20. This will speed up the star matching process, but too few triangles may lead to registration failure in difficult cases.
- If your images have different scales (e.g. different focal lengths), you should disable the Star Matching > Use scale differences option, or increase Star Matching > Scale tolerance, as appropriate. This is because if you set a custom maximum number of stars, the automatic trial sequence that SA performs when registration fails is disabled, so the process will always fail if your images have different scales and this option is enabled.
- Interpolation > Registration model. Be sure to select the default Projective transformation mode.
- Some algorithms in StarAlignment are not well suited to benefit from parallel implementations, so there are sections of the code where the usage of multiple processors/cores is suboptimal. You may consider running two instances of PixInsight concurrently, each one working on one half of the images with StarAlignment. This will exploit the full throughput of your dual processor machine.
Keep in mind that StarAlignment is a high-precision, fully automatic image registration system. It is rather sophisticated and IMHO it is far beyond anything that the competition can do. There are other tools (to be precise, one tool) that can register images in marginal cases where SA fails (due to very small overlapping and other factors), but none is as accurate and rigorous as SA, as far as I know. And SA is under active development, so you can only expect it to improve.
Image registration is an extremely important step. The sophisticated routines in SA come at the cost of increased computation time, but the obtained results are well worth it. A one-point alignment routine for SA is not among my plans. You already can perform one-point alignment with DynamicAlignment, but if you really want to get the maximum out of your images, you actually don't want a one-point alignment.