Author Topic: Migration of now in progress  (Read 11552 times)

Offline Juan Conejero

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Migration of now in progress
« on: 2010 January 31 13:47:52 »
[Texto en Español al final]

Hi all,

This is to inform you that we are in the process of migrating our website ( to a new server. During the migration process, our current website, including our entire licensing system, will not be operative.

Unfortunately, all trial PixInsight licenses will cease to work until the migration is complete. Our new website will be fully functional within 24-48 hours, depending on DNS propagation.

During the migration process, our corporate email accounts will also cease to work. If you need to contact us, please email us at: (at) gmail (dot) com

PixInsight Forum has already been moved to our new server and can be visited temporarily at the following URL:

We apologize for the inconvenience. To compensate for the lost time, we'll extend the duration of all active trial licenses beyond the normal 30-day period.

Thank you.


Hola a todos,

Os informamos de que actualmente estamos realizando la migración de nuestro sitio web ( a un nuevo servidor. Durante el tiempo que dure este proceso, nuestro actual sitio web, incluyendo todo el sistema de gestión de licencias, dejará de estar operativo.

Desafortunadamente, todas las licencias de prueba de PixInsight dejarán de funcionar hasta que nuestro sitio web vuelva a estar disponible. Nuestro nuevo sitio web estará totalmente operativo en un plazo máximo de entre 24 y 48 horas, dependiendo de la velocidad de propagación de DNS.

Durante el proceso de migración, nuestras cuentas corporativas de correo electrónico también dejarán de funcionar. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con nosotros, por favor envíe un email a la siguiente dirección: (at) gmail (dot) com

PixInsight Forum ya ha sido trasladado a nuestro nuevo servidor y puede ser visitado temporalmente en la siguiente dirección:

Lamentamos las molestias ocasionadas. Para compensar el tiempo perdido, prolongaremos la duración de todas las licencias de prueba actualmente vigentes superando el plazo normal de 30 días.

Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #1 on: 2010 February 01 09:54:26 »
Hi Juan,

Just to wish you the best of luck ;D

(Right now I am seeing that my access path seems to be via, not via the IO redirect that had been in effect for the laste week or so (and I am connecting via Orange France Wifi pay-as-you-go from Lyon at the moment).

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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Moonfish ED80 APO & Celestron Omni XLT 120
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9mm TS-OAG and Meade DSI-IIC

Offline mmirot

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #2 on: 2010 February 01 18:03:11 »
New site looking good!!!!!!!


Offline Yuriy Toropin

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #3 on: 2010 February 02 01:26:27 »
Sorry for this post, all this is 100% IMHO, but anyway...
* main menu on the right side of screen looks very... strange
     * it should not scroll up out of the screen during scrolling on "long" pages. It should be "pinned" to screen and available 100% of time.
* non-astronomical thumbnails washing out idea of PI core purpose.

Again, 100% personal opinion, but those 3 points is the reason why otherwise good design couldn't be called GREAT.

All the best,

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #4 on: 2010 February 02 01:58:08 »
Sorry for this post, all this is 100% IMHO, but anyway...
* main menu on the right side of screen looks very... strange

I do like the main menu on the right, it makes an interesting composition.

     * it should not scroll up out of the screen during scrolling on "long" pages. It should be "pinned" to screen and available 100% of time.

I agree with this.

* non-astronomical thumbnails washing out idea of PI core purpose.

I don't agree with this, absolutely. PI is not an astronomical image processing, but an image processing package.


Offline Alexander

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #5 on: 2010 February 02 03:40:44 »
Thankyou for new layout, much more user friendly, And when i showed the layout to my wife she noticed the non astro images, and now she might use it for her Flower images that she uses for greeting cards, This is good as now PI will appeal to all and can be used to full potential :D.


Offline Yuriy Toropin

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #6 on: 2010 February 02 04:06:31 »
* non-astronomical thumbnails washing out idea of PI core purpose.
I don't agree with this, absolutely. PI is not an astronomical image processing, but an image processing package.
Citing from the first paragraph on
"...PixInsight is an advanced, modular image processing software platform designed specifically for the demanding requirements of astrophotography and other technical imaging fields. "
And the company, ironically, named Pleiades Astrophoto  8)

IMHO, correct focus accompanied with correct accents is very important in marketing. Critically important.
For me PI has always been highly dedicated astronomical package with specialized features aimed to effective processing of astroimages.
With people dedicated to bring the best astroimage processing package to the market.

And this dedication potentially would help to occupy niche on the market.

Also, it's nice to see that PI already adopted "The Inverted Razor Blade" principle with it's open architecture and expandability (see the second post in archives for 2009 by Thom Hogan, his writing for Nikon, but the principle of "inverted razor" is general).

If this is not how it is seen by the company and by Juan - well, then it's company's choice to position PI as one of many "general image processing packages".  ???

BTW, last year Juan mentioned about possible CUDA support in PI.
IMHO, this will be BOMB with release of NVIDIA Fermi in several months. Right now guys who are using multimegapixel cameras (16, 31, etc) are often screaming for more horsepower in postprocessing, even I with my modest 8.3MP camera need in more speed. GPU support will be simply great to have!

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #7 on: 2010 February 02 04:20:41 »
Citing from the first paragraph on
"...PixInsight is an advanced, modular image processing software platform designed specifically for the demanding requirements of astrophotography and other technical imaging fields. "
And the company, ironically, named Pleiades Astrophoto  8)

IMHO, correct focus accompanied with correct accents is very important in marketing. Critically important.
For me PI has always been highly dedicated astronomical package with specialized features aimed to effective processing of astroimages.
With people dedicated to bring the best astroimage processing package to the market.

And this dedication potentially would help to occupy niche on the market.

Also, it's nice to see that PI already adopted "The Inverted Razor Blade" principle with it's open architecture and expandability (see the second post in archives for 2009 by Thom Hogan, his writing for Nikon, but the principle of "inverted razor" is general).

If this is not how it is seen by the company and by Juan - well, then it's company's choice to position PI as one of many "general image processing packages".  ???


This is my humble opinion: one image is one image. Of course, PI has several astrophoto-dedicated tools. But these tool are creating the general opinion that PI is a soft for astrophoto. I don't know why, if using PI for astrophoto, you mmust go to PS for macrophotography. So those images are indeed very important in the main page, IMHO.

BTW, last year Juan mentioned about possible CUDA support in PI.
IMHO, this will be BOMB with release of NVIDIA Fermi in several months. Right now guys who are using multimegapixel cameras (16, 31, etc) are often screaming for more horsepower in postprocessing, even I with my modest 8.3MP camera need in more speed. GPU support will be simply great to have!

Right now I'm processing a 250 mp image... testing a denoising through À Trous wavelets in a preview takes 6 minuts with 8 Xeon cores... after those 6 minuts, you modify a bit the sliders and wait another 6 minuts... the problem is that a representative preview has 15 mp. So I'm waiting for this too. :)


Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #8 on: 2010 February 02 04:40:42 »
BTW, the first statement in the main page says:

"PixInsight is an advanced, modular image processing software platform designed specifically for the demanding requirements of astrophotography and other technical imaging fields."

It would be nice if Juan shares with us his opinion.


Offline mmirot

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #9 on: 2010 February 02 08:08:58 »
Well, If you intend to sell the product to non astronmers great.
It helps to have few customers currently doing other techinical imaging before you push it hard.

I think the web changes are good.
I like the wiki.
I don't know if this new but it the first I have time I saw it.

I think a some point a video marketing presentation with a link right on the front page.

Juan might look at

or ACP site   hit guided tour and look at videos.

I am suggesting a feature/ plateform tour 5-10 minutes.

Seeing is the PI software in operation believing !

Also, I suggest a major marketing push for 3.0.

I would hit every forum I could to let people know the new PI is out.  Create some buzz offer pehaps a 60 day tial and/or 10% discount for early adoptors.


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #10 on: 2010 February 02 09:05:49 »
Hi folks,

I am happy to know that the new design does not leave you indifferent :)

Thank you for all your comments, including both positive and negative.

Also, it's nice to see that PI already adopted "The Inverted Razor Blade" principle with it's open architecture and expandability (see the second post in archives for 2009 by Thom Hogan, his writing for Nikon, but the principle of "inverted razor" is general).

This is an extremely smart comparison. Indeed, PixInsight's open architecture is the only way to guarantee that we'll have a live and evolving project; this has been my intention since the beginning. Please read FAQ #1.4 on the new Product FAQ page.

non-astronomical thumbnails washing out idea of PI core purpose.

PixInsight is more than an astronomical image processing package. It is even more than a software package. The front page animation is not an advertising banner. It tries to communicate the soul of PixInsight.

The animation shows a diverse collection of natural objects including astronomical objects, plants, minerals, some animals, and landscapes. This is a small set of images that I personally like for many reasons. It discloses a part of me, and this is good because I am the guy behind PixInsight. Nature is freedom, passion and force, and PixInsight wants to give you the freedom, the passion and the force necessary to work on your dreams, that is on your images.

BTW, last year Juan mentioned about possible CUDA support in PI.
IMHO, this will be BOMB with release of NVIDIA Fermi in several months.

My intention is to start playing seriously with CUDA as soon as possible. The problem here is my work load, as usual. There are many priorities, some of them much more important and urgent than implementing CUDA support in PixInsight. But of course, no doubt that GPU support is highly desirable.

main menu on the right side of screen looks very... strange
* it should not scroll up out of the screen during scrolling on "long" pages. It should be "pinned" to screen and available 100% of time.

The main menu is not fixed because it does not contain links relevant to the current page. It provides links relevant to the website as a whole, and also sometimes a few links whose intention is to show the current page's structure, more as a "remainder" of the document's contents than as an actual index. Most websites use the same layout —main menus and site navigation bars that scroll with the page— for the same functional reasons.

When a table of contents is relevant to the current document, it is a fixed element that does not scroll with the document. I have implemented this in all tutorials and processing examples.

And the company, ironically, named Pleiades Astrophoto

Our initial attempt was Pleiades Software. Unfortunately, already exists, as well as a company with the same name on the US. We chosen Pleiades Astrophoto mainly for that reason.

to position PI as one of many "general image processing packages"

Not my intention, by no means. Not because it would be difficult to compete as a "general" package, but because it would be extremely boring. I hate boring things.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #11 on: 2010 February 02 09:48:27 »
I am suggesting a feature/ plateform tour 5-10 minutes.

Yes, I am working on this, in fact. However, I prefer other kind of promotional videos.

Look at Next Limit's demo reel for example (click on the View Full Size image to the right side):

or the demo reel for Maxell Render:

By the way, Next Limit is also a Spanish software development company.

Our mosic will be much more "vivid", though :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline mmirot

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Re: Migration of now in progress
« Reply #12 on: 2010 February 02 10:14:55 »
Links show pretty productions but they are devoid of information.
It does not tell me anything about the their products.

The narrated examples I suggested gave demonstrate what you can do with the product. 
Ultimately it is the how it will work and features that sell the product.
