Just a small contribution to Jack's excellent use of process icons.
You can tell PixInsight to automatically load your psm file each time you launch the core application. To achieve this, you just have to modify your
startup.scp file. This is PixInsight's startup script, and is executed automatically upon startup.
startup.scp is a plain text file. You can edit it with a good code editor, as PixInsight's script editor for example. This is the step-by-step procedure:
1. Open the Processing Console window.
2. In the command line (the one-row line of text with a blinking cursor), type this command and press Enter:
open $PXI_COREDIR/startup.scp
3. This will open the startup script file in the Script Editor. Scroll to the end of the text. The script ends with the following lines:
.export avgdev="ImageWindow.activeWindow.currentView.image.avgDev()"
#endif // !__NO_PJSR_VARIABLES
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF startup.scp - Released 2009/11/13 17:24:00 UTC
4. You have to insert a new line of text to open your favorite psm file. For example, the last script lines would look like this after the editing operation:
.export avgdev="ImageWindow.activeWindow.currentView.image.avgDev()"
#endif // !__NO_PJSR_VARIABLES
.open C:/path/to/file/MyBasicProcessIcons.psm
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF startup.scp - Released 2009/11/13 17:24:00 UTC
You must change "C:/path/to/file/" to the actual folder path on your computer, and "MyBasicProcessIcons.psm" to the actual file name of your favorite icons file. The "C:" is for Windows only; it is not used on Mac OS X or Linux.
The leading dot in ".open" is to mute all console messages from the
open command. In this way it will execute in a completely transparent way. If you want to have
open telling you that is has loaded the psm file, remove the dot.
5. Press Ctrl+S to save the file (Cmd+S on the Mac).
6. Exit PixInsight and launch it again. Now your psm file will be loaded automagically
Tell me if you have problems with this procedure. The only difficult bit is step 4 where you must write the file path to your psm file.