Author Topic: Possibility to save as single process  (Read 5593 times)

Offline bitli

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Possibility to save as single process
« on: 2010 January 02 01:55:44 »
What about  save button/context menu on all process windows, and especially on process history and process containier.

I often try various things and would like to save the process history of an image, just for reference, without saving all other process icons. In addition of being an overkill, saving the whole process is not obvious (I did not use PI for a while and I spent a whiel trying to find a way to save the process). For example the save as menu is enabled when you have an active processs history window, but it applies to the image.

and hallpy new year,
-- bitli

Offline caliu

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Re: Possibility to save as single process
« Reply #1 on: 2010 January 02 05:04:30 »
Hi bitli,
surely I'm mistaked but you can copy the script of history explorer and will to apply to else images

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Possibility to save as single process
« Reply #2 on: 2010 January 02 05:25:50 »
Hi Caliu, Hi Bitli,

Yes, the existing system is reasonably OK so long as your process work did not 'branch' at any point.

In other words, providing you did not (for example) extract the luminance of an image, and then process that image to create a 'mask' for use with the original image. Or, providing you did not bring in an Ha image to blend into, for example, the Red channel of your work in progress. Also, providing you did not try to create a new 'aggregate image' from several previews of your original image, because you were trying to run the Background Neutralisation process.

In these kinds of instances, you have to work far harder to save your complete workflow.

I have tried this on more than one occasion - a process that I have felt to be ESSENTIAL to help me learn the ins and outs of PI

I have stacked and grouped and named Process Icons all over my workspaces. I have tried to create an intuitive layout of Process Icons, that would serve to remind me of the workflow that I had followed - so that I could repeat things if I screwed up completely. I have saved partial and full sets of Process Icons, and moved them into multitudes of Workspaces. I have saved images as FITS, carefully named, at every major stage during my processing. And I have even started the next stage of processing from a CLONE of the image state at the end of the previous process, so that the next stage of work had a 'clean' Porcessing History.

But I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, (EVER  :'() managed to invite round my imaging colleague and neighbour, Alex, and then take him through my processing masterpiece, step-by-step. It ALWAYS fails, because there will have been some critical step that I 'assumed' had been recorded, but which, it then turns out, in fact either cannot be, or was not, recorded. So I will end up having to 'fudge' the process, and start mid-stream from one of my intermediate images, an image that I will now never be able to re-create  :yell:

And, as I have pointed out to Juan in the past, I often leave PI running on my PC, with the PC switched on, for WEEKS, because I have to interrupt my processing mid-flow, and because there is no way to 'save all current workspace'.

It's trivial, maybe, but it would also be a HUGE bonus feature.

Niall Saunders
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Re: Possibility to save as single process
« Reply #3 on: 2010 January 02 09:59:43 »
I've been nagging/pushing/begging Juan for a Project feature for a long time now. I hope he's working on it now. The Project would allow you to save the entire current state to disk, including all swap files for undo-redo so you can exit PI and pick up where you left off.

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Offline mmirot

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Re: Possibility to save as single process
« Reply #4 on: 2010 January 02 12:53:34 »
That would be very cool.
