Hi Nils,
Welcome to PixInsight Forum.
I haven't too much to add to what already has been said. DDP is, IMHO, an obsolete technique since many years. I implemented it in PixInsight mainly for completeness, but it is #1 candidate to be included in the new Obsolete module that will ship with PixInsight 1.6. The Obsolete module will be included in PixInsight's distribution, but it won't be installed by default (the user will have to install it manually if desired).
We have many and much better tools to do what DDP intends to do. Anything that you can try to do with DDP can be done with HistogramTransformation and CurvesTransformation, but with surgical accuracy instead of a rough two-parameter stretch where you have to "guess" the actual function being applied. Our ATrousWaveletTransform (ATWT) tool includes a large-scale hyperbolic transformation that does just what DDP does, but restricted to dimensional scales where all drawbacks of DDP are easily avoided. Finally, for dynamic range management we have HDRWaveletTransform (HDRWT). To compare DDP to ATWT and HDRWT, think of a hammer and a scalpel.