Hi All,
Please excuse me if this topic is out of place on the PI forum but, frankly, both the discussions here as well as the images posted with such a variety of equipment are unsurpassed. So I thought I might tap into your collective experience to help me through my extreme indeciveness
I might add that most other forums are specific to one brand or type or camera, so hard to get unbiased opinions.
By way of background, I am now camera-less having sold all my astro equipment save my trust 8"LX90. Previously used a Starlight Xpress MX716 with Astronomik RGB and Ha filters. Found myself mostly shooting Ha through a piggybacked Zenithstar 66 SD (wish I didn't sell it!) guiding the LX90 with a Meade DSI. You can see my level of experience here:
http://www.freewebs.com/drivewayastronomy/I am pretty convinced that my next purchase will be a one-shot camera. (Briefly had a Q8 in my hands, but sold it before ever using it). I know there are big compromises, but simply don't have that much imaging time and always lose my subject behind trees before getting all filters. At least this way I would have full RGB data to play with in PixInsight...and it's that playing in PI I'm really missing!
So, big question and I respect all opinions, would a modded Canon 20d be a good choice from New York metropolitan area suburban skies, LVM ~4.5? My other choices fall into used SBIG ST-2000SCX (like the idea of self-guiding), or Q8 or Starshoot Pro or used SX H9C or other DSLR. These would all roughly fit within my budget when adding new piggyback and guidescope (under $2000US). I specifically ask about the 20d because i see one on Astromart now at one-third the cost of the other options, and I also see some great images with it posted here.
I should add that, while I was doing lots of Ha wide-field previously, my real interest is in galaxies, so I would hope to shoot more through the LX90 at f/6.3.
Again, sorry if this is out of place here as well as for the long-windedness of the post.