Author Topic: StarAlignment after later adding Narrowband Images  (Read 2132 times)

Offline rockenrog

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StarAlignment after later adding Narrowband Images
« on: 2020 February 13 06:00:30 »
I need some advice how to set up StarAlignment for narrow band images I took later, after processing my (OSC 1x1 binned) raw lights. The non-narrowband image is non-linear state and fully processed.

For the narrowband I am using OSC images that I debayered using SuperPixel in Debayer. The resulting images are 2x2 binned.
-- What are the overall steps for alignment, and how to set a reference image to align the narrowband to the previously processed image? For example, do I align the narrowband by themselves, then StarAlign them to the already processed image?
-- Is the 1x1 vs 2x2 binning an issue?
Thanks for your advice,

Offline rockenrog

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Re: StarAlignment after later adding Narrowband Images
« Reply #1 on: 2020 February 14 05:56:15 »
After more searching I found NGC1535  (Adam's) forum post discussing alignment options of 2x2 binned RGB to 1x1 Lights. I DrizzleIntegrated all the narrowband (calibrated) images. I then used the old non-drizzle color image and set it as the Reference Image in StarAlignment. The narrowband drizzled 2x2 size matched the color non-drizzle 1x1 image.
Worked great, and now I am off to the next steps for processing the aligned narrowband!
