Author Topic: Plate solve to determine keep-out areas in DBE (or ABE)  (Read 6576 times)

Offline esb

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Plate solve to determine keep-out areas in DBE (or ABE)
« on: 2020 January 30 12:52:07 »
It would be useful if DBE (and maybe ABE) could be able to do a plate solve to identify the objects likely within the image so that it could avoid placing samples in any area that isn't expected to represent the background.  (I'm assuming the sky database that's available includes boundaries for the non-star objects.  Without that this feature isn't as easy.)

As a separate request, it would be great if there was an easy way to mask areas of an image to keep-out when performing sample generation.  Multiple, hand-drawn masks would be extremely quick and easy to do before generating samples.

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Re: Plate solve to determine keep-out areas in DBE (or ABE)
« Reply #1 on: 2020 January 30 17:03:00 »
on #1 at least the catalogs i've seen have pretty poorly defined boundaries for DSOs - sometimes just a circle.

#2 would be really interesting to have, though juan has been working on a new background extraction tool. maybe the sampling will not be necessary, who knows.

what i usually do is cheat - find a good image online ostensibly taken from a dark site, then register it to my master and place the samples on the registered good image... then save the process icon for DBE and quit DBE. then i run the process icon against my image, tweak the tolerance, and execute.
