I am currently still running Win7 on my remote observatory PC with the intention of upgrading to Win10 later this year. I had stuck with 1.8.4 till now as it ran well, but have just tried to change to 1.8.6 because I was very keen to access the Gaia DR2 elements, and because 1.8.6 was the last version not listed as Win7 "incompatible". I have already done all the upgrades on my Mac at home, and have copied the new license into the appropriate folder of my remote PC.
I have uninstalled 1.8.4 using Windows uninstaller, apparently successfully. I have then apparently successfully installed 1.8.6. However attempting to load PI gives the message "1.8.6 Ripley has stopped working" with details as shown in first two attached files. I have then tried "repair" within the 1.8.6 uninstall window which fails with the message shown in attached JPEG "After 1.8.repair". I have then uninstalled 1.8.6 and deleted everything in the Registry with the string "Pixinsight". However reinstalling 1.8.6 after this fails in exactly the same way.
I should also add that the PI folder within "All Programs" shows, after 1.8.6 installation, three tabs reading "New Instance" "Reset Settings" & "Pixinsight". I assume this suggests problems with incomplete uninstallation of the previous PI. "Reset Settings" fails in the same way as trying to load PI.
I do not appear to be able to reinstall 1.8.4 as it is no longer listed on the PI site.
I have been through the previous threads as I know this has caused problems, but can't see anything else suggested (short of reformatting the drive).
What does the message shown in JPEG "After 1.8.repair" tell us?
Any suggestions gratefully received.