You all seem so helpful here...I am naturally going to see if I can test your patience...
I wrote a while ago about star masks...
Mostly I was told how tricky they are
I am currently working on an image;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/daveh56/3933874999/sizes/l/Here obviously my stars are all blown to he
Here I have started to try harder to mask them,which I now realize I must do fairly early in the histo routine...(duh !!)
My result (early) is;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/daveh56/3934155907/sizes/l/So now my stars have these bad "halos" around them...(which I see in many astrophoto's...)
They look more twinkly,and starlike though...so I am moving (maybe) in the right direction.
Now here comes the patience test..
Is this halo correctable by making bigger/smaller or maybe darker/lighter stars in the mask?
The settings in star mask do not exactly come with a "detailed" explanation !!
Is there a tutorial on these settings..??
Can you say a few words on it?
Also,can I make a small "preview mask of an area?
Is this a faster way to play around with the parameters...it does not seem correspondingly faster...
Could you post a picture,perhaps,of what a good star mask would look like for my image,if I just show you a JPEG version of it.
I know uploading tif files is tedious,and I am bad at it...and I for sure don't really want to go that route...
Maybe better you could just show a (very small,but magnified) veiw of what some fairly unprocessed stars (any stars !),and the corresponding good mask.
Not a week goes by that I do not find a trick in Pix to improve my results!!
Thank you