Author Topic: Deconvolution Drizzle Intergration ???  (Read 519 times)

Offline tdgm

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Deconvolution Drizzle Intergration ???
« on: 2019 November 13 10:17:14 »
Hi  Every One
I am trying to process data on The Crescent Nebula I took last June. My equipment was a Takahashi FSQ 85 with Starlight Xpress SX-694 (2.08 Arc Seconds per pixel). All the data was under-sampled due to the equiment and seeing. I acquired over 37 (600 second images) Luminance images plus 12 images in each color channel (600 Seconds) plus Ha at 1200 seconds a total of 6 images. All auto-guided with an Off-Axis  camera. I also used a 1 pixel dither between images.

My question has to do with Drizzle integration in regards to De-convolution of the Luminance image. I first tried to Drizzle all the color channels but the Drizzle weights showed a lot of holes (black areas). So I want to know if I could drizzle the Luminance (with a scale 2 and a drop of.9), then Deconvolute the images with appropriate masks and PSF. Then afterwards down-sample the images so I could then used that for the rest of the processing . I am trying t create a NB(Ha)RGB and finally a LNB(Ha)RGB. (I am also considering a Super Luminance creation and use a master Luminance after the Deconvolution or super Luminance of no drizzle files and then substitute the Deconvoluted down-sampled Luminance to the non drizzle L after LRGB combination).

Hope my description made any sense.

Thanks a Head of time

Steve H

I will be at AIC 2019 c u then.