Dear PixInsight Enthusiasts,
I would appreciate your assistance if you can help me with this issue. I am using the latest PixInsight 1.8.7 and am a pretty experienced user who has been using PixInsight for around 5 years. But I haven't found an issue like this before. I am working on a Veil Nebula Mosaic with images taken by my short tube newtonian 6 inch telescope. I am not finished with my mosaic, but I would like to perfect a good mosaic alignment routine now so that when I am done, I can put it all together easily. I tried one method that worked pretty successfully which was:
1. Used the StarAlignment routine in Register/Union mode to build a model of what the mosaic would look like.
2. Aligned all the images to that model using the StarAlignment routine in Register/Match mode
3. Merged them all together using GradientMergeMosaic.
This worked very well with just a couple of minor alignment issues. But I believe that it would probably be much better to be able to align images using a method that involves plate solving. I believe it could even correct for any issues with optical distortions in the telescope because it could warp the images as needed to match the astrometric coordinates of the stars. So I decided to explore another method.
This is a method that I believe should work pretty well:
1. Use the Image Solver to get the astrometric solution and correct distortions.
2. Use the AlignByCoordinates tool to register all the images in the mosaic into their proper places based on the astrometric solution.
3. Use the Gradient Merge Mosaic tool to put it all together.
The issue that I had is that I ran into all sorts of unexpected problems. I understand the documented limitations in the image solver where it is not a blind solver and needs starting coordinates, so I used to get a solution so the images have coordinates in them to start. The issues that I found were not the documented ones, instead they were quite unexpected. I am not sure if I am using something wrong or if there is an issue with the tools somewhere.
Here are the issues that I found:
1. uses FITS or TIFF files for its input and output so I had to convert to FITS to start, not XISF. Bringing the fits file into PixInsight, it complains that "The FITS format does not define an unambiguous orientation of pixel data. The coordinates read on the image may be wrong." I am not sure if this will cause some of the problems that I observed later so I tried a variety of things to see if it contributed to the issue, but it didn't seem to be a factor. But note that cannot use XISF files, so if I have to solve with, this might be an issue. I also tried converting the files to XISF files, that doesn't make sense because if the orientation is ambiguous, just changing the file type won't help.
2. Due to the issue I wrote in #1, I figured that maybe I should be using XISF files to start in my alignment routine. So I tried solving an image in the PixInsight image Solver using decent starting coordinates. It solved the image and I saved the file as XISF. But when I tried to use the image in the AlignByCoordinates tool, I found that the XISF file did not contain the WCS information. If I instead saved the file in the FITS format, then it DID contain the WCS information. The same issue happened if I tried to convert a FITS file to an XISF file. The WCS Information disappeared. For some reason XISF files do not appear to be saving WCS coordinates. I thought the goal was to switch over to XISF, but this seems to be a big flaw unless I am missing something.
3. Another thing that I tried was to load the FITS image solved with and use the "only optimize the solution" option. This worked very well for solving the image and correcting distortion using the Pixinsght Image Solver, but when it saved the output files, they were FITS files once again and there didn't seem to be any way to change that. This is fine if the FITS file format won't cause any problems, but if it will, then that isn't good because you can't select a different output format in PixInsight Image Solver. It might be good to add the option to save the output files in a different format that doesn't have an "ambiguous orientation" from the image solver.
4. Another thing that I tried that DID work was to just keep all the images loaded in PixInsight as image views, and they DID keep the WCS information needed by the AlignByCoordinates routine, but this is not a good solution because if you have too many images in your mosaic, you would have to keep a number of large files open in memory in order to make the mosaic.
5. And This was the biggest issue. It didn't matter which method I used for solving the images,, augmented with the PixInsight Image Solver, or just the PixInsight Image Solver, nor did it matter if I saved the files, or if I kept them in image views in PixInsight, all the procedures had the same issue when I got to using the AlignByCoordinates routine. For some reason all of the images were in their proper places in the mosaic, even with mostly correct image orientations, but they were all flipped vertically. So that the nebula in each image didn't line up properly. I am not sure if this has something to do with the way I was plate solving images, or something to do with the fact that my telescope is a reflector instead of a refractor.
So to get around these issues, I had to add a couple of undesirable steps as work-arounds to my procedure. Here is what I ended up doing that worked:
1. Plate solve all images in to get an initial set of coordinates.
2. Plate solve all images in PixInsight Image Solver clicking the "only optimize the solution" option and letting it do distortion correction.
(NOTE: Leave all images OPEN in views instead of saving the image so that the image doesn't lose its WCS coordinates)
3. Make a copy of the image views and do a vertical image flip on all images using the "Fast Image Rotation" tool using the mirror vertical option (Note, this will kill the WCS solution data, which is why the copy is needed)
4. Use the CopyCoordinates script to copy the WCS solution data from the non flipped image to the flipped image
5. Use the MergeByCoordinates Tool to produce the registered images using the flipped images
6. Use the Gradient Merge Mosaic tool to put the final image together.
Does anyone have any ideas about these issues? Am I doing something incorrectly or is there something wrong with the scripts?
Thank you for your assistance,
Rob Lancaster