Author Topic: Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats  (Read 521 times)

Offline glatiak

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Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats
« on: 2019 September 30 11:48:18 »
I am just getting into LRGB and narrowband imaging and would like to use the batch preprocessing script. I have seen a few tutorials where I add the lights and they get sorted out nicely by colour, etc. Thats fine, I guess. But where I am missing out is not seeing any way to get the filter-specific flats associated with the appropriate lights. I am using master flats, darks and bias files -- instead of regenerating them with every observing session as I am using a cooled camera.

SO is it correct to state that despite the script seeming to recognize the different sets of lights, there is no mechanism to get it to associate a specific flat master frame with each colour? So I would need to do a separate BPP for each image type, yes?

greg latiak

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Re: Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats
« Reply #1 on: 2019 September 30 13:21:50 »
no, it should be able to read the FITS header and match up the filters between the lights and flats.

also i think the script tries to use some kind of filename heuristics to determine filter names but this may only happen if the input files are not FITS files.

there is an "add custom" button that lets you specify the frame type and the filter name as a last resort, if the script can't figure it out on its own.


Offline Geoff

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Re: Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats
« Reply #2 on: 2019 September 30 14:28:55 »
The acquisition software should be able to classify your flats by filter. If you just want the masters, then one method (among many) is to put the raw flats, darks and biases into  BP (no lights) and run the script. This will generate the required masters with filter classification for the flats.
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Offline glatiak

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Re: Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats
« Reply #3 on: 2019 September 30 16:25:49 »
OK. Is there any documentation about what the keyword texts are?


Offline pfile

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Re: Batch Processing for LRGB with filter-specific flats
« Reply #4 on: 2019 September 30 18:36:59 »
from reading the source, the FITS keyword IMAGETYP sets the image type, and the keywords FILTER or INSFLNAM will set the filter name. it seems that both keywords can be set to any string and the script will sort it out. for IMAGETYP the script looks for the substrings "bias", "dark", "flat", "light" in the value for IMAGETYP and for the filters it seems to just build its own list from the strings seen in the FILTER values.

i think most automation software will use those fits keywords because they are kind of a de-facto standard.
