Hi Jay,
If your camera manufacturer suggests that you don't need, or need to use, any Darks, then there is no need to use Biases either.
Hoever, as all sub-frames (inlcuding Darks) already include a more-or-less statistically identical Bias element, then this will automatically be removed during the Calibration phase within PI.
Just remember that all sub-frames are basically the same format:-
(L + D) * (F + FD)
L is the Light data at temperature tL snd exposure time eL
D is the Dark data at temperature tL snd exposure time eL
F is the Flat data at temperature tF snd exposure time eF
FD is the FlatDark data at temperature tF snd exposure time eF
and also
Each sub-frame (L, D, F and FD) includes the bias data, B - statistically 'identical' no matter which frames are being calibrated. This means that, for example, when the D term is subtracted from the L data, the B data totally disappears, and the D data is 'calibrated out' of the L data.
When you then 'divide' Dark-calibrated L data by the Dark-calibrated F data, the Flat data is statistically removed from the L data (again, with no requirement for B data).
All of these Calibration stages must take place before any CFA deBayer stages which must then take place next, and before any star alignment/image registration process. Finally, the image set can be integrated - ready for post processing.
I hope I haven't made too many mistakes - hope it helps.