PixInsight appears to change the dimensions of images opened from Nikon RAW (.NEF) files. The native resolution of my Nikon D750 camera is 6016 x 4016 pixels, but when opened by Pixinsight, the dimensions are changed to 6032 x 4032 pixels.
On load, the PixInsight output includes the following:
Camera ........... Nikon D750
Timestamp ........ xxxxx
Exposure ......... 20s
ISO speed ........ 1600
Focal length ..... 14 mm
Aperture ......... f/2.8 = 5 mm
CFA pattern ...... Bayer RGGB
Raw dimensions ... w=6032 h=4032
However, the correct RAW dimensions should be 6016 x 4016 pixels. If I use Nikon’s ‘Capture NX-D’ software to output a TIF file, PixInsight will indeed open the image with the original RAW dimensions of 6016 x 4016 pixels.
For my current project, I would prefer to work with the original geometry if/where possible.
The NEF files opened by PixInsight appear to display a padding of (at least) 3 pixels on all edges. I can crop the edge padding (after image calibration of course), but I wish to check whether the padding is a necessary implementation before I do so.
Also, cropping 6 (=2x3) pixels per dimension would only account for 6 of the 16 extra pixels. Should I crop or resample to regain the original image size.
Or is there a better approach.
Any advice would be appreciated.