I am becoming really confused here.
I try to use Dropbox but for access it needs a specific identifier such as email address, which I don't have for you or for the PixInsight Forum.
What is the issue you are looking for?! I started this thread because I was trying to process my Firefox Galaxy files, subs flats and darks (no bias because my camera is a OSC CMOS). I was trying to do postprocessing one step at a time, as is recommended vs using the postprocessing script. I find that I can NOT apply the debayering process to get a color image, at any point in the process. The starting subs are grayscale and I don't understand why they should be grayscale if I used a OSC camera. Is that the issue you are talking about?
When I use the postprocessing script, the output is the color image I am expecting, but I'll be darned if I know how I got an RGB image from all-grayscale images. There is an option in the postprocessing script to enable debayering, but where and how it's applied, it I don't know. Am I even making sense with my question?
I feel like there's this deep hole in my understanding, but I don't know if it's bad communications or an overlooked process. My impression (impression, not belief) is that using a OSC camera is much more complicated than using RGB images. I'm not even sure that I am making any sense now. Am I expecting too much from my images??
I expected that using an OSC camera, I could debayer the resulting image at any time along the way, because it has the color info stored in it. That's not what's happening at all. Seems like the issue is that the subs are grayscale, even though they came from an OSC camera. Is that correct??
Sorry about my confusion. It doesn't help ask the right questions.