To Nikita and all users interested in this module,
Sorry so much for not being able to invest the required time and resources to put this module in the standard tool set. Nikita already uploaded his source code to our GitLab repository, and I have been taking a look. The module requires substantial work, but this is not difficult, just time-consuming. Perfectly normal for a new PixInsight tool.
The real problem here is TensorFlow. This is an extremely complex and huge software library (undoubtedly one of the most complex ones I've ever seen). There are several problems. Once of them is building TensorFlow on all platforms supported by PixInsight, which is not a trivial task. It is a very complex task that requires time and care. Unfortunately, the
prebuilt libraries provided by Google don't work, so the only way to get this working is rebuilding everything.
Another problem is TensorFlow's dimensions. If included in PixInsight's standard distribution, it would increase the size of a PixInsight installation by about 300 MB. A fixed footprint like that is questionable to support a single module. A good solution to this problem is creating a dedicated update repository for StarNet on our official software distribution server, so the StarNet module would be an optional component. For example, the same will happen with the new Gaia star databases that we are preparing for version 1.8.7 of PixInsight.
Please bear with me while I can find the required time to perform all of these tasks as required. Currently we have a lot of priorities that require all of my attention and concentration. The new version of PixInsight comes with very important improvements (A rewritten StarAlignment tool with a completely new distortion correction algorithm, important new features in ImageIntegration and DrizzleIntegration, just to name a few) on which I have been working very hard during July, August and September. I ask for patience...