Author Topic: Single frame throws off integration result  (Read 505 times)

Offline astrovienna

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Single frame throws off integration result
« on: 2019 May 26 05:41:49 »
I'm stacking a set of 23 lights.  If I stack the first 22, no problem, but if I add in frame 23, the background goes from about 0.025 to 0.0015.  Frame 23 looks exactly like the other 22, and the noise evaluation in the FITS header is pretty much identical.  Any idea what the problem is?  A zip file with all the frames is below, but that's 24 x 6MP images.  If you'd like to check out just a single good frame vs the problem frame, use the second link.

I see this occasionally.  A few weeks ago, a single frame in a set of flats threw everything off, but when it was removed everything went fine. Again, that frame looked exactly like all the others.  FWIW, I used BPP to calibrate these, and ImInt to stack.  I varied the stacking algoriothm, skipped pixel rejection, and messed with other settings, but only removing frame 23 solved the problem.


« Last Edit: 2019 May 26 09:03:04 by astrovienna »

Offline astrovienna

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Re: Single frame throws off integration result
« Reply #1 on: 2019 May 29 21:22:06 »
Okay, I have an explanation, but far from an understanding.  The problem is that I checked Clip Low Range in the first pixel rejection tab, and set Range Low to zero in the second pixel rejection tab.  IIUC, this setting means that mis-registered areas of individual subframes - ie, the black areas caused by dithering, slight rotation or centering inaccuracies, etc. - will be excluded from the stack. Since only frames that actually have data in those areas will be included, the stacked result won't have those near-black areas or jagged registration edges.  The data in the non-overlap areas won't be as high quality, because there isn't as much of it, but at least something will show there rather than zones that are basically black.

But I have no idea why this changes the background level (ie, the place where there actually is data from each frame, but it's only background sky) so much.  If all the subs show 0.02 for the background at the same spot, why doesn't the final result show that as well?  I also don't understand why a single frame (number 23), aligned just slightly different from the others, is the trigger here.  Each frame has its own alignment, and there's nothing particularly unusual about this one.

Any ideas?
